I suppose we all have our own personal demons and reasons that motivate us to do more research. The blood issue has never been a problem for me and I would never take a blood transfusion witness or not. But that's because I have done my research!! I have very close contact with the medical profession. The things that are very important to me are if I feel the FDS have deliberately misled the masses to aid their own plans. And mainly if what I have always believed to be the truth is not true!! Bit like being shaken to the core when you find out someone you loved and trusted has been cheating on you for years. You just feel stupid. And that's how I'm feeling right now, But I still have major doubts on both sides, doubts the truth is the truth, and doubts it's not. But I suppose that's natural, what I love about this place is the fact everyone not only wants me to research and find out for myself, nobody tries to put across their interpretation..You apostates are a lot like the ancient boreans..lol, who examined the scriptures daily to see that these things were so!
Poppy x