i am so sorry to hear that.......... you will be missed and i hope everything goes well with your wife... good luck, dont stay away too long...
the infamous one
i don't think i can successfully put a clamp on my mouth if i don't take a break from this place.
i want my wife to wake up, but i think i can't do what that would take if i keep myself up-to-date on all the worst going on currently in dub-land.. i love you all and i will be back, i just have to take a breather.. auldsoul
i am so sorry to hear that.......... you will be missed and i hope everything goes well with your wife... good luck, dont stay away too long...
the infamous one
*crack is the common term for freebase cocaine.. i have been learning about crack and it's users.. as a jw, you:.
1 planned nonwt activities around wt activities.
2 sacrificed talents, the future and opportunities for the wt cause.
hee hee....
what are we at, number 9 or something
anyways,only stupid ppl stay on crack...
only stupid ppl saty in the "truth"
the infamous one
i wanted to figure out approximately how many magazines are thrown into the trash (for one year).
i got some almost useless statistics from jw-media.org to work with.
the statistics are for the year 2004. watchtower printing = (approx) 26.4 million.
HA HA, i think my parents have about that many magazines in their basement.... they think that throwing them out is sacriledge!!!! (SPL?)
the infamous one
hope everyone is having a good day.
wondering how many fellow ontarians there are here?
please drop in and say hello, thank you.
thats the point man!!!!
the infamous one
i kinda love how they wont say "LUCKY", but its completely ok to say "FORTUNATE"... isnt it the same thing??
the infamous one
hope everyone is having a good day.
wondering how many fellow ontarians there are here?
please drop in and say hello, thank you.
the infamous one
our creepy new guy .
welcome the infamous one!!
this is the most awesome welcome thread ever!!!!! damn guys sorry i missed it, had a really rough night saturday, dont remember hal;f of it... too much drinkin... be back tonight yall, love lots
the infamous one
hope everyone is having a good day.
wondering how many fellow ontarians there are here?
please drop in and say hello, thank you.
hey all, im from hamilton ontario...
the infamous one
our creepy new guy .
welcome the infamous one!!
aww, you were beautiful.. and u still are, how long ago was that pic, like 5 years ago???
the infamous one
we all know the watchtower is the final authority and god's sole means of communications with true christians today, and it is the season.
so if any of your jw family or friends should be interested in what the watchtower says about christmas you might want to share this with them:.
watchtower december 1, 1904 p.364.
i bet in the next few months they decide christmas is ok so people will saty with their dying religion!!! aka cult
the infamous one