ill be the neutral one... i kinda got bored with it... i actually have not yet watched the whole stupid movie... i guess on the next rainy day ill have to do that........
the infamous one
anybody else love this movie as much as i did??
i think it says a lot about the type of person you are, or at least what kind of sense of humor you have, if you liked this movie or hated it.. so far, i've not met anyone who has been neutral on this movie - usually they either love it or hated it!
ill be the neutral one... i kinda got bored with it... i actually have not yet watched the whole stupid movie... i guess on the next rainy day ill have to do that........
the infamous one
there are freemasons infiltrating this board.
i have positive proof.
all be careful
i want to see this proof... do u think im one of them, i hope not , cuz if you did, the reptiles might have to kill me for failing their plans... OH NO I SAID TOO MUCH!!!!
the infamous one
busy in the evening time.
i have an assignment which caused me to go to 2nd shift, and i noticed that it is not so busy here.
tired and thinkin of hitting the sack early..... HA HA HA... yeah right... im ok, how about u peaches???
the infamous one
busy in the evening time.
i have an assignment which caused me to go to 2nd shift, and i noticed that it is not so busy here.
this is the only time im able to get online, and so this is the most important time of the day, whether or not other ppl r here doesnt matter, theres ME, you and tetra, the kings of the board....
the infamous one
i'm curious.
i doubt i post enough for many to form an opinion of me on here, but i wonder how i come across.
for those who have an opinion, am i:.
i think you want ppl to say they like you :P:P:P
its a good thing i like you anyways....
the infamous one
recent posts have encouraged us all to be more tolerant of others beliefs whether those are religious, atheist or anything in the middle.
fair enough.
still, that doesn't mean i'm going to go easy on all you believers, yes even you jw lurkers who are reading this.. .
I AM SHOCKED!!! i will never read anything you ever post again... as galatians 3:23-24 says, slave for the master, jesus christ....
i think i made that one up... I LOVE IT, good call hero man... these morons need some sense knocked into em....
the infamous one
it was in the midst of the 1930's, and judge rutherford was being driven in his limousine down a dusty country road in the midwest of the usa.
passing through a small town, he came upon a donut shop and asked his driver to pull over, for the judge was quite hungry.
as they were sitting at the table with their donuts and coffee, the judge spotted a catholic priest with his roman collar at another table.
pull out his freakin shotgun, shoot the store clerk, steal a few donuts and all the money in the till, walk up to the judge, and shoots him right in the stomach, so he will die a slow and agonizing death.... and there ends the evolution of the jehovahs witness religion... CHRISTMAS AND SMOKING FOR ALL!!!
the infamous one(starting to understand why everyone thinks hes an angry kid)
i remember back in the '70's, when the co visited, he stated from the platform that there were people working at bethel who had been there for many years and who had initially started, not because they were interested in the truth, but because they wanted some means of support.
(not, of course, that they would make good money, but at least have room and board.
) now the society had gotten wise to them and made all the bethelites take a written examination on the basic beliefs, and the ones who flunked were dismissed.
well, i work at bethel.... they wanted to kick me out because i became diabetic, but i tricked them by taking a j-dub test and now i am still working in bethel... i clean toilets and change the diapers of the GB...
the infamous one
man jumped from truck following argument.
november 12th, 2005 @ 9:21pm
(ksl news) police now say an argument caused a 21-year-old man to jump from a moving truck in south jordan.
and he gets to the pearly gates, and God says:
"im sorry my son, but we dont allow stupid idiots into heaven...."
the infamous one
name me the areas of life that you would give yourself a 10. for me; .
1. work ethics .
2. keeping my word .
well, theres the ten inches.....
hee heee heee
well, im the hotness,
soccer skills, even if i cant run like i used to
hard work
and intelligence, though you guys probably dont know it yet...
the infamous one