oh hells yeah, they needs to be fixed... my fave is the one about the bees that molest... luike WTF!
the infamous one
single review: prince - "black sweat"
(comment box join in).
blogcritics.org, oh - 4 hours ago.
oh hells yeah, they needs to be fixed... my fave is the one about the bees that molest... luike WTF!
the infamous one
... or do people look at things that way in order to justify what is happening in our lives, and add meaning to it?
if so is it healthy to think everything happens for a reason?
things dont happen for a reason.. they happen, then we make a reason for them... no one is sitting up there saying, dave is gonna get hit by a car today... no no no, after dave gets hit by a car, dave decides it was to make him think about whats goin on in his life and to slow it all down, smell the roses, if you will.... see we create it for ourselves...
the infamous one
i used to listen but not really.
i'd look at the platform/speaker stand, look like i was paying attention, get antsy, and find another elder to "discuss" something ith.
i just got to the meeting----right before it was to start and if the talkative po decided that his last part was going to go overtime, i'd put on my coat and look at the big clock on my way out in front of everyone and leave for the local bar.
either dreams.... yes that means i was asleep... the hot milfs sitting around me who i knew would sleep with me if i wanted them to... or the inveriable "is it done yet", geeze this talk is over time... damn i wanna leave...
the infamous one
so last night, my lovely wife and i were about to sit down to dinner, and the doorbell rings.
guess who?.
two elders to inform me that i am disfellowshipped!!.
I WANNA SEEE!!! fuck i wish i had tape of when i punched that mofo elder from my hall! damn that would be very very very entertaining to watch over and over and over again!!!
the infamous one
reading a previous thread where people mentioned the crazy people in their hall and what they would do during the meetings, i figured it needed a thread all to itself.
so what did the mentally ill or generally crazy people do during your meetings?
i don't have any good ones.
there was this one guy in my hall, well he never had time to do tihngs after work before the meeting, and he thought it would be perfectly ok to do it all at the hall... and hold a convo with you whilest he did it... for evample, he brushed his teeth without any water and tried to talk to me... another time at the beginning of the meeting i hear a buzzing noise behind me, so i look back and the guy is shaving with an electric razor!!! WTF!
another time, this lady was waiting for her ride home, and when she was taking too long, the crazy decided to flick the lights on and off in the hall while chanting "ELAINE ELAINE ELAINE!!"
ugh, theyre all nuts
the infamous one
the infamous one(who believes momma jokes will always be in style)
sometimes i feel like i spend to much time visiting the forum but then i remember that when i left the org.
my social circle went from literally hundreds down to about 5 or 6.. so no guilt at all--i'm glad to to be here and am grateful to everyone of you!
i spend time... alot of time here, keeps me up late at night almost everynight... ha ha, but its a great way to vent, so i feels good about it too..the infamous one
when i was a witness, i once had a elder tell me that he was positive the fbi was tracking witness activity.
even saying that he would not fill out anything that stated his religion on official, or even unofficial documents that were not from the society, as he felt this was a tool to track witnesses.
i remember once in a talk, it was mentioned that witnesses are not free from government tracking and that we should expect this.
theyre all crackpots... theyre paranoid that satan is after them... fuck, i think he has better things to do than chase a bunch of morons around!!! ha ha, morons...
the infamous one
not just looks, or intelligence, but the perfect package..... .
male and female, the one who seems the most balanced and mature.
a combination of looks, good threads, intelligence, and wisdom also.
HA HA, common guys, its me... i never over react when we talk about the [edited] dubs, that i hate so much and want to kill and grrrrr..... oh shit, im doin it again....lol, i agree with a previous poster, as a team we get everything accross....
but i always llove to hear from sparkplug and misspeaches too.... they always have some encouragement...
the infamous one
PRAISE JESUS!!!!! IF YOU ARE DARK GET OUT!! wtf, is she racist??? crazy woman, i hate these evngelical morons.... OH MY GOD, and the kids crying...[edited] this is why i left home... im so angry, i wish i could punch that shit box... she was POSSESSED MAN!!!
the infamous one