Our school assemblies were always something to be looked forward to. It was always something fun. I guess U.S. school assemblies and England's are quite different. And by reading your posts about them I can understand why you didn't like them! Sounds like yours were boring.
JoinedPosts by copsec
staying out of school assembly!
by happehanna indoes anyone else remember how awful school was because of the dreaded school assembly.. my whole school life was blighted because i couldn't go in.
my young son can goes in and it is the best part of his day, he loves the hymns.
how glad am i that i came to my senses before my son suffered like i did as a child.
The "What If" Game
by copsec ini ask a question, the next person answers my question and then asks their own and so on.
so i will start off with....... .
what if animals could talk?
I ask a question, the next person answers my question and then asks their own and so on. So I will start off with......
What if animals could talk?
New Film game -- guess the film from the line
by stillajwexelder in.
here is how it works -- i will start -- i am going to give a line from a film -- the person who replies has to guess the film and then they have to give a new line from any film they choose - and the next person has to guess that film and then they post a line i will start.
"son your ego is writing checks your body can't cash"
Mine was from Pulp Fiction. That movie is full of great lines!
What is the crappiest job you have ever had?
by gilwarrior infor me it was when i was living in mexico and i got a job as a waiter out of sheer boardom.
the pay was lousy, the work was hard, the boss was an asshole, and at the end of the week i was told that i was not good enough to be a waiter and i was fired.
thank god!.
Oh, the used condoms things is nasty too! God, some of us have had some real great jobs huh? LOL! I bitch about the job I have now all the time but I wouldn't trade it for the Home Health Job for ANY amount of money!
Astrology, the Zodiac, etc............
by Sunnygal41 ini know that this topic will be a draw to those who are truly interested in this subject, and for those who seem to feel that it is their "duty" to debunk untruth and myth, etc.
in their sphere of life.
let it so be stated that whoever is truly interested in this subject, and in having a "chart" done, etc.
I am a Virgo and my horoscope has NEVER been right any of the times I have decided to read it, so I would have to say i am an unbeliever
New Film game -- guess the film from the line
by stillajwexelder in.
here is how it works -- i will start -- i am going to give a line from a film -- the person who replies has to guess the film and then they have to give a new line from any film they choose - and the next person has to guess that film and then they post a line i will start.
"son your ego is writing checks your body can't cash"
"I'm the foot f***in master, I don't tickle it or nothin
Pat Tillman
by Yerusalyim ineither i've missed it or we haven't talked about the death of former nfl player turned army ranger specialist pat tillman in afghanistan.. this guy represents what's right about america.
he had money and fame and wanted to give back to the country after 9-11. i'm proud of people like him...and there are thousands of them here in the military...people who left homes and families...and sometimes good jobs...to do something important.. on a side note....i was worried that with as hard as we're driving the force that retention in the military was going to be a problem...thus far this year the army has exceeded it's goal of retention by a couple of 100 soldiers...the marines....have retained 90% of the goal for the year in the first six months.
these are dedicated people we're talking about here.
I have such a high regard for men like Pat Tillman, yourself, my nephew (a brand new Marine) and all of our Armed Forces. Thank goodness there are people like you left in the world! I know I have told you before, but thank you, I appreciate you and what you do for our country.
What is the crappiest job you have ever had?
by gilwarrior infor me it was when i was living in mexico and i got a job as a waiter out of sheer boardom.
the pay was lousy, the work was hard, the boss was an asshole, and at the end of the week i was told that i was not good enough to be a waiter and i was fired.
thank god!.
Being a Home Health Care Giver and having to
A: Give an old lady a bath who hadn't had one in THREE MONTHS! It took four tubs of water to get her clean
B: Give her husband a bath too
C. Clean the dishes in her sink that had maggots on them
D: Clean the cat shit that was ankle high off the floor!!!!!!!!
Need Motivation
by copsec inugh, i need to work out and have no motivation.
the last several weeks, i have been doing 1 1/2 - 2 miles a night on the treadmill, lifting weights and doing 50 sit-ups a night.
not much i know but it's a start.
1.25 miles is great! I could only do one a day when I started out. besides, if your pic is any indication, you are in fine shape anyway!
Need Motivation
by copsec inugh, i need to work out and have no motivation.
the last several weeks, i have been doing 1 1/2 - 2 miles a night on the treadmill, lifting weights and doing 50 sit-ups a night.
not much i know but it's a start.
LOL! Well, I guess I could start out slowly and give it a try. Always open to suggestions. Thanks!