I am sorry to hear of your loss. Your grand-dad sounds like a really great person.
the last grandparent i had died this morning.. .
he was such a great guy.
was in the raf in wwii and went to iraq and other places but didn't really talk much about the war.
I am sorry to hear of your loss. Your grand-dad sounds like a really great person.
i want to start a discussion about pit bull dogs.
i live next door to a new neighbor who owns an american pit bull dog (also a female of the same breed that's just given birth to three pups).
when i'm in the owner's presence the dog allows me to pet him, but when the owner isn't present the dog acts extremely fierce to the point that i'm scared of him.
My brother-in-law has a pit bull. She is one of the sweetest-tempered dogs I have ever seen. But he has had her since she was a little one and has raised her well. He is not a thug in anyway. They have her in the house with two small children and she is nothing but loving with them. I think it just depends on how they are raised.
hi there everyone, just wanted to see if any of you believe in any psychics or paranormal activity.
i know that as a jw we are taught that any ghosts are demons and any psychic activities are demonized.
would love to hear any feedback and or any pesonal experiences you have had and if you believe they are all demons, or if there is a difference between good and bad spirits.
A recent experience with Sylvia Brown....
My sister's son was murdered a little over a year ago. We have been writing and emailing several different shows and magazines trying to get someone to cover the story. My sister saw Sylvia Brown on a show and decided to try to contact her. After month of emailing, Sylvia Brown called my sister and said she would be happy to help find my nephew's killer...for a fee of $400.00!!!! My sister said, "No, thank you." Sylvia Brown said, "don't you want to know what happened to your son?' My sister said "yes but if you are really psychic, you would know that I am extremely poor and cannot afford that kind of fee!" She said Sylvia Brown hmmed and hawed around and finally hung up! Yes, I know people have to make a living but that seemed a bit steep and as my sis said, why even call someone back if you KNOW they are poor and you SHOULD know that if you are psychic!
allright let me tell you what happened yesterday.
i went to the meeting yesterday because my cousin was visiting and wanted to know where the kh was located.
i finally offered to go with her to avoid any issues.
Heck I was disfellowshipped simply for refusing to meet with them! I was called and told I needed to come meet with them. I refused. Two days later they called back and I said I was disfellowshipped. I said fine. So, they DF'd me without telling me why, without a meeting, without their stupid "2 witness" rule!
what is everyone cooking today for dinner?.
i just put in a turkey breast roast (it's 8:00 a.m.).
first, it's in a oven of 425 degrees to kill off all the surface bacteria, then after an hour, i'll slow roast it at 225 or 250 degrees for 5-6 hours.
My hubby grilled burgers and I made potato salad with pickles, eggs, onions, green peppers and celery in it and for dessert we had fresh off the farm strawberries with whipped topping. Very good.
search for missing kids turns up nothing .
trenton, mo - a search using dogs and a scuba team turned up no new leads in the disappearance of two independence children.
law enforcement has been looking for 7-year-old lindsay porter and 6-year-old samuel porter since june sixth.
Whatever. I have just made up my mind that as I am no longer responding to political threads, I shall not respond to yours either. I am sick of the mentality on this board of people attacking those who do not agree with them. I feel like I am back at the Kingdom Hall being lectured for not being the "good little JW." Have a nice life!
search for missing kids turns up nothing .
trenton, mo - a search using dogs and a scuba team turned up no new leads in the disappearance of two independence children.
law enforcement has been looking for 7-year-old lindsay porter and 6-year-old samuel porter since june sixth.
Hmm being called insane and stupid by someone who does not even know me just because I don't agree with their views or politics. Nice person!
my mom had her valve replacement and triple by-pass surgery today.
the operation lasted five hours, and they had just gotten her to her room at 8:00pm when she went into cardiac arrest.
the doctor tried everything, even opening up her chest and massaging her heart.
Just found your post and read it. I am so, so sorry for your loss. Please, if there is anything at all I can do for you, PM me. Even if you just wanna talk, ok? Big Hugs to you!
search for missing kids turns up nothing .
trenton, mo - a search using dogs and a scuba team turned up no new leads in the disappearance of two independence children.
law enforcement has been looking for 7-year-old lindsay porter and 6-year-old samuel porter since june sixth.
Wow, if Thunder is insane than count me in as psychotic right along with him cause I agree with Thunder!
i have been calling my kids for some time now.
i am moving far away soon, and since i haven't had any contact with my daughters, i called them to let them know i was moving, and would like to say goodbye, before i flew away.
weeks went by, as ususal, and no response.
I am doing a happy dance for you! I just knew your daughters would not be able to hold out much longer. It is so apparant in all your posts that you love your girls so much and that had to always be in the backs of their minds. Congratulations to you for getting the new job and now for having a chance to rebuild your relationship with your daughters. I hope these girls know how lucky they are to have a father who loves them so much!