Are you saying the R&F these days are not ready for solid food, ozziepost? What is your point again?
has anyone else noticed that in recent years the new releases have less 'chunky' content?
a book of maps, a children's book about jesus (?
), and this year's book which summarises main witness teachings (from what i gathered anyway, i haven't seen it yet).. the language is simpler, the message trimmed up nicely.. i wonder why.
Are you saying the R&F these days are not ready for solid food, ozziepost? What is your point again?
has anyone else noticed that in recent years the new releases have less 'chunky' content?
a book of maps, a children's book about jesus (?
), and this year's book which summarises main witness teachings (from what i gathered anyway, i haven't seen it yet).. the language is simpler, the message trimmed up nicely.. i wonder why.
Thanks for both inputs, Jeff and Luna2.
I had trouble working out what Jeff was trying to tell me, but having read what Luna said I think i get the picture. Sorry, brain not at its optimum speed tonight. lol
What you guys are saying is that because more people have access to the internet, the WTS fears dredging up highly disputed topics might see them lose the debate this time round? They fear their doctrines may not be so easily sold to this generation of people?
has anyone else noticed that in recent years the new releases have less 'chunky' content?
a book of maps, a children's book about jesus (?
), and this year's book which summarises main witness teachings (from what i gathered anyway, i haven't seen it yet).. the language is simpler, the message trimmed up nicely.. i wonder why.
I agree, googlemagoogle. From the way the organization marginalizes college-educated witnesses, I see ample reason to conclude that the Society is biased in favour of less educated members. I'm still waiting for someone to disprove this!
However, if we assume that that is the sole reason the literature is getting simpler, then why were there more 'well-researched' materials in the past? Surely an oranization that has always wanted simpletons would not have bothered to make so much effort back then. Why wait till now to sit back and churn out baby food?
Look, I know some of us are frustrated and have issues with the WTS, but calling names and using nasty words don't exactly contribute to the thinking process either. Not referring to your post of course, googlemagoogle! lol
the wts would prefer to believe they possess a balanced view of education.
"no hard-and-fast rules should be made either for or against extra education" w92 11/1 p.15
it has even acknowledged that college education may be necessary in certain job markets today.
I know of this youth who was having a friendly chat when an older brother came up to say hi to the young man. Instead of saying, "How's uni, Josh?" The older brother, with arms across his chest, and a self-satisfied smile plastered on his face, asked: "And how is the wisdom of the world, Josh?" <eye-roll>
has anyone else noticed that in recent years the new releases have less 'chunky' content?
a book of maps, a children's book about jesus (?
), and this year's book which summarises main witness teachings (from what i gathered anyway, i haven't seen it yet).. the language is simpler, the message trimmed up nicely.. i wonder why.
Pzazz or no pzazz.. doesn't really bother me. Just curious why the publications have seemingly turned in to baby food
has anyone else noticed that in recent years the new releases have less 'chunky' content?
a book of maps, a children's book about jesus (?
), and this year's book which summarises main witness teachings (from what i gathered anyway, i haven't seen it yet).. the language is simpler, the message trimmed up nicely.. i wonder why.
Has anyone else noticed that in recent years the new releases have less 'chunky' content? A book of maps, a children's book about Jesus (?), and this year's book which summarises main witness teachings (from what i gathered anyway, I haven't seen it yet).
The language is simpler, the message trimmed up nicely.
I wonder why.
the wts would prefer to believe they possess a balanced view of education.
"no hard-and-fast rules should be made either for or against extra education" w92 11/1 p.15
it has even acknowledged that college education may be necessary in certain job markets today.
lol maybe he feared you might read the passages with hint of sarcasm, dune.
good to hear you are doing well in the congregation though.
so you mean this coming sunday deals with the education topic, am i right?
the wts would prefer to believe they possess a balanced view of education.
"no hard-and-fast rules should be made either for or against extra education" w92 11/1 p.15
it has even acknowledged that college education may be necessary in certain job markets today.
Is it true that this weekend's WT deals with youths and education? Or is that next week's issue?
the wts would prefer to believe they possess a balanced view of education.
"no hard-and-fast rules should be made either for or against extra education" w92 11/1 p.15
it has even acknowledged that college education may be necessary in certain job markets today.
Hello SNG
Am also glad to be here. Thank you and thanks for that awesome feedback! Same goes to the rest of ya on this thread.
It is important that Witnesses and interested ones realize that the although the WTS's position on education seemed to have changed in theory these past few years, in PRACTICE it has not! The organization has NOT become more liberal in this matter, they've just improved their media image. Ask any witness youth who has/is pursuing higher education!
You cannot fake love. You cannot fool them. They know when they're being overlooked. And they know what that means: this organization never gave a green light for further studies.
The WTS should answer for this duplicity! They owe an explanation to their own youths and one to the "sin-infested" world whose favour they are trying to win with misleading assertions!
the wts would prefer to believe they possess a balanced view of education.
"no hard-and-fast rules should be made either for or against extra education" w92 11/1 p.15
it has even acknowledged that college education may be necessary in certain job markets today.
Dear bedlam
Good point! College educated witnesses seem to emerge from their social banishment AFTER they graduate. One needn't look as far as Bethel, even in the local cong, everyone will have a quick smile to offer you ... idle chatter quickly followed with a tale of a back problem or of a computer programme that needs fixing etc.
It's nice to know that the "ice age" is not permanent. That is... if the witness youth has been patient enough not to be by the double standards.
It is tragic that one should need to pioneer in ADDITION to college study to be a source of encouragement.
Is college life alone too easy and boring in the eyes of Jehovah's Witnesses? The elderly, the sick, the little children, the servants, did they have to pioneer to be models of christian living? Is it not their struggle that makes them admirable? Again i ask fellow Witnesses, are we under the delusion that college youths have no need to struggle?