Wow.. judging from your responses, you people are really pro's at this huh? Hmm lemme guess, this topic is often revisited? (got that link, serendipity, cheers!)
Well a big thank you to you all for your ideas and contributions. Those were kind words, Sheepish. You're sweet ;)
Tuesday, you cracked me up there. I had thought that the title would make people think of preaching to a drag, not as one. hahahahahaha! That's a splendid idea you know, I'd love to see the expression on old Bro. Grimace Self-Righteous when I stumble into my meeting-for-field, in high heels, adjusting my bra straps!! Course I'd have to be moderately inebriated to pull that stunt. God, how many sins can you commit in one morning?!!
I'll see what I can come up with this weekend, jgnat and happydad. I was merely kidding around when I talked about a tract, but yknow, we might be on to something here...