Thank you for telling us your about it ,I smiled when I read about you getting reinstated and then not going again,good for you, glad to hear you are doing well
all the very best to you
i have been "lurking" (my apologies to anyone who is irritated or offended by that) for some time now.
i was raised as a jw - i had the dubious honor of being a presiding overseer's daughter.
my little bro and i were perfect little dubs (or is it "duds" ?!
Thank you for telling us your about it ,I smiled when I read about you getting reinstated and then not going again,good for you, glad to hear you are doing well
all the very best to you
i was just looking at the site of this teenager who is studying to be a jw.. .
its so amazing and pathetic the lenghs the dubs go to tickle this girls ears about her cool site and pop idol interests.. .
wait till she is stuck in the cult and starts getting the lectures.
Ok ,my link doesnt work for some reason,but you will get the site by typing snowbafeenay on google search engine
i was just looking at the site of this teenager who is studying to be a jw.. .
its so amazing and pathetic the lenghs the dubs go to tickle this girls ears about her cool site and pop idol interests.. .
wait till she is stuck in the cult and starts getting the lectures.
I was just looking at the site of this teenager who is studying to be a JW.
Its so amazing and pathetic the lenghs the dubs go to tickle this girls ears about her cool site and pop idol interests.
wait till she is stuck in the cult and starts getting the lectures.
i was doing a little research into some of the bible stories that originated from other sources.
i was aware that many of the bible myths, such as the story of moses, the flood, solomon's wisdom, and the queen of sheba are simply copies of myths or stories borrowed from other cultures.
but, i was surprised to learn that portions of the bible are actually direct quotations from other writings.
What is the difference in the estimated daing of Proverbs compared to Amenemope's Book of Wisdom?
did they have much choice?
25:5] if brothers dwell together, and one of them dies and has no son, the wife of the dead shall not be married outside of the family to a stranger.
Did they have much choice?
[Deut. 25:5] if brothers dwell together, and one of them dies and has no son, the wife of the dead shall not be married outside of the family to a stranger. Her husband’s brother shall go into her, and take her as his wife. |
[Deut. 25:7] and if the man doesn’t wish to take his brother’s wife then his brother’s wife shall go up to the gate of the elders, and say, “My husband’s brother refuses to perpetuate his brother’s name in Israel…then the elders of his city shall call him. And if he persists…then his brother’s wife shall go up to him in the presence of the elders, and pull his sandall off his foot, and spit in his face; and shall answer and say: so it shall be done to the man who does not build up his brother’s house. And the name of his house shall be called in Israel the house of him that had his sandal pulled off. |
patience edema, a 24 year old nigerian jehovah's witness of grange park road, leyton, died at whipps cross hospital from complications resulting in refusing a blood transfusion after recently undergoing a hysterectomy to remove her womb.
http://www.thisislocallondon.co.uk/news/ .
scroll down to "woman bled to death.
Most JWs do not understand the Borgs blood policy because it has been fudged so much,it is sad that becuase of the confusion that the refuse even permissible WT blood products not realising so.
It is ironic and sad that they knock on doors proclaiming a policy they dont even grasp.
dear (jw-brother), .
i was pleased and pleasantly surprised to receive your thoughtful letter.
thank you for your concern and for taking the time to write.
You have taken a lot of collective thoughts shared by so many of us and masterfully converted them into words,
I hope he reads it and something sinks in.
ok, whomever you are.
i must assume that i know you personaly.
i have my ideas who it is simply because i dont know very many people who are competent on the computer enough to find this site and are jw themselves.. .
'Am tellin de elders on you ,tellin I am,'
such childish behavior
this one is for those who might have missed this 'enlightening '
article , or if you prefer, this 'brilliant flash of divione light' :
w98 3/15 pp.
Jehovah's Witnesses have Christian freedom because the Watchtower says so.
an ex jw friend seems to have got well into this group,they have adventist and millerite roots like the jws,he looked into the assemblies of yahweh,but thought they were too centralized around one man and intolerant of dissagrement like the jws but he seems to think this goup are much better in all regards and non organizational.. does anyone know more about this group,i wonder if they have sanitized their web site a bit?
An ex JW friend seems to have got well into this group,they have adventist and millerite roots like the JWs,he looked into the Assemblies of Yahweh,but thought they were too centralized around one man and intolerant of dissagrement like the JWs but he seems to think this goup are much better in all regards and non organizational.
Does anyone know more about this group,I wonder if they have sanitized their web site a bit?