Consider this:
Before I started reading HARRY POTTER, my life was a selfish lie. I gratified myself often at the expense of others. HARRY POTTER put a hunger for righteousness in my heart....and that's when God revealed Himself to me. I had quit school at 15, so when God got hold of me, He gave me a desire to serve others. I dropped pre-matital sex and booze and went to night school and graduated from day high school at 21. I later graduated from university, got married, and went into education along with my wife, then special ed. and followed that up with a career (31 years) teaching handicapped children. After 7 years into retirement, some of my former students still call me to keep in touch. My life was advanced and blessed through reading of HARRY POTTER.
It makes just as much sense read that way doesn't it? I mean, Jonathan Livingston Seagull changed my life. But I don't worship Richard Bach. I might even say that reading Jonathan livingston seagull helped lead me to God and that the book contains the word of God. and it really does. I'm not just making a point. great truths are found in many books, even Harry Potter. So what?