One obvious defense of the Society, not that I particularly care to defend them, but the fact that all comparisons are unfair is a defence. The card in Malawi was a card in Malawi that had a different purpose altogether than the card in Mexico. So, since the two things are not identical, why expect an identical policy for both of them? This of course does not really justify anything in real world terms because people died and you need more than a logical fallacy analysis to justify your position. But anyway, there is a defence there. But I could come up with a defence over any atrocity if I really wanted to. Shawn
JoinedPosts by Shawn10538
Need Help With Mexico/ Malawi!!
by Anitar inhuge news everyone!
i recently had a breakthrough with my mom.
we were debating last night for several hours, during which time brought up the mexico/malawi situation, which she of course being a faithful and blind witness, knew nothing about.
Children + Xmas = Confusion!
by ohdeborah inhi everyone, i must say this is a very interesting site my problem at the moment is this- i live with a fantastic guy (ex jw) he has 2 boys, 9&11, & i have a son - 9, we all live toghether as a 'blended' family .
unfortunately his ex-wife is a very difficult person to deal with.
she has recently had her contact with her son's reduced to 6 hours a week.
Why not plan an intervention for her? If she's smokin pot, that's an avenue that can help her see some spiritual truths that those who don't smoke don't have access to. (Only those who partake know what I'm talking about.) But, it can also feed on childhood metaphors to create strange distorted beliefs if not done with proper intent and guidance from those experienced in spiritual exploration. Perhaps an intervention will help her articulate the doubts she already has. Shawn
I'd appreciate some insight on what my mother claims was said at assembly
by free2beme inokay, well my mother called this evening and was all emotional about her one day assembly.
i was shocked she brought it up, as we just do not mention the religion anymore, but lately little things keep getting said at her conventions and assemblies that seem to be making this line something she wants to cross more these days.
what she brought up, was something i had not heard mentioned on here and i wanted some insight from people who actually heard it or knew more about it.
Maybe she made it up on purpose just to see if she could scare you back in. It wouldn't be the first time.
Why do I feel so Guilty? Please offer me a kind word.
by xjwms inits my mothers birthday.. she belongs to this senior dance club.
once a week about 85-100 get together with live music at a local dance hall and enjoy.. i am taking her out for lunch with family members and her friends.
at the dance hall i ordered a cake and coffee bar serves 100.. its a white cake with fresh strawberries and cream (her fav).
If you are serious about losing the guilt then you will enter THERAPY!!!!! But I suspect, if you are like most people, you are getting something out of it, getting off on your own guilt. THERAPY is the only way out of it. Do it. Commit to it. Never stop it. Find a good therapist and keep them till your dying day, it's what sane people do. If you've had any contact with JWs whatsoever then you are all the more in need of it!
Great news. The WTS did not commit spiritual prostitution with UN.
by thirdwitness in
Let's start a list of people who have the same mentality as the WT. Here's how it goes:
1. Whoever wants to use the library of Satan sign here.
2. Whoever wants to be an NGO type A, B or X of the disgusting thing of Revelation sign here.
3. Whoever thinks it's cool take a stroll in the evening with the seven headed wild beast sign here.
4. Whoever wants to give oral pleasure to the Beast of Revelation while taking it in the ass from Beelzebub sign here.
5. Whoever wants watch the Kings of the earth jack off in a cup, then take the cup and spill it on the Great Harlot's...
You get the picture... -
by conoroberst ini always like to come back here and see those who are still in (but faking it, like me), those who are about to be out, and angry, those who are out and angry, and those who are out but sanguine (sp?
anyway.. despite all the undoubted and unargauble arguments about the wbts i just think its funny when y'all talk about the watchtower people being in it for the money...honestly, the bethel people, the elders (i know quite a few in the us and uk bethels), honestly, have you seen, their houses (if they have them), or their cars, or their suits, or their watches, or their shoes?
) even the branch people and the gb, honestly, these guys are not in it for the money, for the security maybe, a distasteful realisation many years ago that they have chosen the wrong path, that maybe they should have gone to university after all, but are stuck working as postmen (or overseers of packaging depts)..
Also, when you are GB or any higher up, you drive company cars, get flown all over the world, hotel stays are payed for (and nice too, I used to get a comp'd Hotel room every year when I was at Bethel), get plenty of green handshakes (I averaged well over 100 dollars a month just in tour money, and I was a pee wee) get to speak before thousands of adoring fans, have your talks recorded and mass produced and passed around the congregations while being referred to as a "Bethel Brother's talk" not just a regular brother's talk. Circuit overseers buy only the best suits available and the congregations pay for them. And if you've ever been to a GBs room at Bethel (I have been to several) - LUSH! When you are GB it's ALL YOURS. So yes, in it for the money? Absolutely!
Shawn -
I got a letter this week from an old friend
by nsrn ini'm musing over a letter i received in the mail, from by childhood best friend.
it's a brief newsy letter asking about my parents, recalling some fun times, and recounting her happy 23 years of pioneering.
her 14 year old son stays busy with preparing for meetings..... we were best friends from age 6 or 8. we spent every weekend at each others' houses.
Well, of course it's normal to feel pain in your heart for a childhood friend. I still do all the time. But like a helpful WT once said about friendship, sometimes people just outgrow one another. You obviously came to an intellectual and spiritual awareness at a far younger age than she, and apparently she still hasn't matured to the point she can think for her self. It's sad, but some people never grow out of their need for cult involvement. Imagine her as a fragile little girl who would burst into a million little pieces if you ever took her little WT away from her. It's like her dollie, or blanky and she'll grasp on to it right on into the grave. Be glad to be rid of people with such low maturity in your life and vow to never become friends with like people again. There's my two bits.
Shawn -
WT child abuse video
by Smiles inhere is video with j. r. brown, organizational spokesman for jehovah's witnesses and philip brumley, general counsel (lawyer) for jehovah's witnesses on the matter of how child abuse is treated with the congregations.. notice how j.r. brown says that the wt has taken "inititives" against child abuse over the past "10-15 years" and then later states that child "has become a burning issue in the last 20 or 30 years.
" that leaves over a decade that the wt took no "initiatives" on the "burning issue" of child abuse.. other j.r. brown statements:.
"crime is crime.".
The blatant error in all of this is that they openly list informing the authorities behind caring for the wellfare of the perpetuator. Since it is a crime and they are in most cases required to report it IT IS NOT THEIR JOB TO TAKE CARE OF ANYONE INVOLVED, VICTIM OR PERPETUATOR! So priority number one is call the police or child protective services immediately end of story. The elders are from then on to be boxed out all around and it isn't even any of their business how things turn out after that and they can't stand that fact. Just like they wouldn't tromp on into a murder scene and start moving stuff around, wiping off the gun etc. (or would they?) they should back the hell away from molestation cases until the court hands down the verdict. Then they should act on the perpetuator if convicted. But do they do that? NOOOOOOO! They like to have the power and control and they don't like giving it up to the real authorities. Sick and twisted bastards!. When will they learn?
Shawn -
No Trespassing!! Breaking news for local JW's.
by Mulan inthis week at the book study, at all congregations in the u.s., a letter was read saying if you go to a house or property with a "no trespassing" sign, you must not enter, or knock on the door.
you have to leave immediately.
a sign saying "no solicitors" is too ambiguous, and they are to use their own judgment, and don't have to knock.
Someone above touched on something I've been meaning on bringing up for sometime. I have these fake studies you know. I pose as an interested person and have a couple come over for about 2 months or so before they finally cut me off saying I'm not teachable enough, ask too many questions, just want to argue, are too combative etc. I find that none of the JWs that I encounter these days have the balls that I used to have when it came to arguing the Bible at the door or on the street. I never backed down from anybody. I would spend hours upon hours arguing with one person even if they showed no intention of accepting literature or anything else. I would also study with people for years, not months, even if they never came to the meeting. Did I ever convert anybody? Thankfully no.
My point is: Man! What Pussies these Witnesses are these days! Even a hint of resistence and all you see is dust flying up in your face! The fear they have of any argument is so tremendous that it really is to the point of being a phobia. My God, has there been some announcement that I have missed that has specifically outlawed ( and I chose the word outlawed very carefully) and prohibited to the point of being a disfellowshipping matter if one is found to be debating the Bible at the door?
Another question is: I have often posed as a person who is interested but does not believe in the Bible at all and is athiest and 9 times out of ten the person will full on walk away saying that I first have to figure out that I believe in the Bible on my own before they can study with me because everything they teach is in the Bible. Are these people getting lazy or what?!? I would have jumped on the oportunity to study with ANYONE even if they were Athiest. What is going on out there? Where is the work ethic for Christs sake???!!!
Shawn -
City Confidental episode
by pratt1 in.
did anyone see the city confidential episode where a dub woman from (i think) boise, idaho was killed by her russian born ballet star husband?.
i seems pretty clear the he killed her, but he is now saying that she was killed by the watchtower, bible and tract society, because she married him - an unbeliever.. does any one have any personal knowledge about this case?
Maybe you can expand on what City Confidential is? Is it fiction? Documentary? It seems a strange premise for a sitcom if it is one.
Also, who was killed? The character or the actor in real life?