YUP, that's Ray Franz and Gregory Hines across from him---all wide eyed and dead and all.
So what did Gregory Hines do to incur the wrath of the brooklyn oracles?
i was told by a reliable source that the organization will be making a "big announcement" at the end of the summer when all the dcs have ended.
has anyone else heard this?
maybe this is the "new light" they have alluded to in recent wt study articles?
YUP, that's Ray Franz and Gregory Hines across from him---all wide eyed and dead and all.
So what did Gregory Hines do to incur the wrath of the brooklyn oracles?
i was told by a reliable source that the organization will be making a "big announcement" at the end of the summer when all the dcs have ended.
has anyone else heard this?
maybe this is the "new light" they have alluded to in recent wt study articles?
Yes, the big announcement will be to inform everyone that we are "deep in the last days" and that everyone needs to go out in field service more and study watchtower publications more.
WHAT???? Thats it, I see how serious it is now. I'm going to stop hanging out with all you apostates here and go back to meetings. Praise Joe Hoover.
i was looking up a couple of verses the other day in my nwt reference bible the one with larger print, footnotes, cross references, etc.
in my day i was quite a diligent student - the bible is filled with my notes and comments, and i'd already worn out another one earlier.
one of the things that i found surprising as i was reading my notes, was how often they were pointing out inconsistencies, contradictions and obvious lies in the biblical text.
One of the real downfalls of my faith was actually reading the bible. I eventually had to stop and throw out the bible that I was using, because of all of the notes that I had made in it.
i bet most people did not.
i think nearly everyone counted time spent on breaks.
or sitting in the car for an hour and a half while the elders did a "shepherding" call.
Yes and No.. When I had time during that month, I was pretty exact about what I recorded. I used the time honored if a break is less than 15 minutes you dont have to stop counting time and things of the sort.
If I had no time though... Id report one or two hours just to keep the elders off my case.
........................at my last meeting, the elder was talking about 1975 and said "it never happened, it is appostates using a time when (some) brothers took the info in the wt wrong"...................i just blinked and finally woke up.. i had been on this site lurking for a couple of weeks, and realized thing werent right, but to have some creep say on the platform " it didnt happen"............when this ruined my and my siblings childhood, just made me snap.
on the way home, i told my hubby "that was the last meeting im going to"................boy was he pleased.. .
so if you didnt get df ......................what happened at your last meeting.?.
My last one was a Sunday meeting in oct of last year. I probably wouldnt have atteneded that one except I was set to be the watchtower reader and I didnt want to miss it and call more attention to myself than I needed to if I was going to fade.
Despite wanting to be a fader, on the other hand I was tempted to go completely the otherway too. If I ever wanted to make a statement and how many more times would I have the chance to be on the platform like that? Since I hadnt told my family anything and some were in attendance, I had to take a pass...... Which is a nice way to say that I found an excuse to be a wuss.
would you still be a jw if you had not been disfellowshipped?
Been a fader for about a year now. I drove past a hall a few months ago, but only by accident.
I will NEVER go back.
i called the information dept politely asking if mr brown was still a witness after commiting verbal apostasy during the interview with ldh.. i got transferred to one of their legal staff and he dropped the "f" bomb and hung up!
i on the other hand was a complete gentleman.. i would call this a golden opportunity to play up what has to be one of the most embarrasing moments for the dub leadership but is actually an important issue that any current dubz should be concerned about.
what is the actual policy of the org?
I'm going to call back and demand to know (as a concerned Dub) the name of Brown's congo and the name of his PO to report his apostacy just as the WTBS insists we do. Any good WT quotes on keeping the congo clean that I can hit them with?
If you do, please record it.
i'm not talking about the time you gave the nasty elder a bleeding nose
back when you were still in the org, have you ever seen a trouble-maker
i remember how once, a drunk
Was that Bill Bowen from silent lambs? HAHA
Nah, just some knucklehead that came in with a relative. The speaker handled it pretty well.
Were you living in a tough neighbourhood, justsomedude?That was some serious damage! Was the husband a military man or a gangsta?
The area that the hall was in wasnt great, but it wasnt bad enough to expect terrorist attacks. There was a torched truck that sat in the lot for a week or two afterwards until they could haul it away. Since I was just a kid all I ever really heard was that he was an unbeliever, not sure if there was hanky panky he was avenging or not.
I thought of another one too... I was running mics once and we had this visitor that came and was taking pictures and just generally checking the place out. He didnt really cause a scene or make any problems until the watchtower study when he said something like "What kind of a world do we live in when a Ni**** like OJ Simpson can still be walking around free". Crazy stuff.
Oh! There was also an assembly that I went to where some elders son set off a firecracker during the drama. You've never seen attendants pounce on somebody so fast.
i'm not talking about the time you gave the nasty elder a bleeding nose
back when you were still in the org, have you ever seen a trouble-maker
i remember how once, a drunk
When I was a kid, somones husband firebombed three cars in the parking lot during a meeting. That was pretty crazy.
Another time in a different hall we had someone just stand up and start yelling at the conductor during the watchtower study.
I think there are more, but I just cant recall them right now.
sorry if this has been discussed previously.
i will be leaving this false organization soon, but i'm slowly trying to help other see the actual liberation and joy exists.
have you been succesful in bringing out others from the wt?
I've got 2 so far.. I think Im just going to keep my mouth shut for the time being though and not try to rock the boat too much as it seems for the moment the elders are leaving me alone.