I was called for jury duty last week. Since now I want to be part of the world, I was looking forward to participating in a trial and doing my civic duty. However, Plaintiffs’ attorneys dismissed me when they found out that I worked for defense attorneys. They didn’t realize that I really would be impartial.
Posts by Mig
Anyone else serve as a juror ?
by moomanchu injust finished jury duty today, what a pain in the behind.. now i can't sleep, keep thinking about everything.. judicial system seems like a big bueracratic waste of money.. i found the oaths here in pa interesting though :.
the oath is part of centuries-old language still in use in most courtrooms.
pennsylvania's oath is derived from colonial laws of the commonwealth, enacted in 1772, and reads: "you [and each of you] do swear by almighty god, the searcher of all hearts, that the evidence you shall give this court [and jury] in this issue now being tried shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and as you shall answer to god on the last great day.".
Anyone else serve as a juror ?
by moomanchu injust finished jury duty today, what a pain in the behind.. now i can't sleep, keep thinking about everything.. judicial system seems like a big bueracratic waste of money.. i found the oaths here in pa interesting though :.
the oath is part of centuries-old language still in use in most courtrooms.
pennsylvania's oath is derived from colonial laws of the commonwealth, enacted in 1772, and reads: "you [and each of you] do swear by almighty god, the searcher of all hearts, that the evidence you shall give this court [and jury] in this issue now being tried shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth and as you shall answer to god on the last great day.".
Who is DF/DA or Fader???
by mama1119 ini was just wondering, how many dfed to we have on here compared to da or faders??
Baptized 1968, Fader since 2001
The first signals of doubt?
by The wanderer inthe watchtower and the deciding factors
can you recall the very first inner voices of doubt that.
you carried about the watchtower society?
My History teacher constantly told his war stories. One day he asked the class, what war was he talking about. I was fifteen at the time, I raised my hand sure that I knew the answer, because WWI (1914) was the only important war. The teacher was extremely upset that anyone should think that he was old enough to be in WWI. That is when I found out that the big one was not WWI.
Red flags
by beautifulisfree inwhen i was an active witness i never understood why there were 'annointed' women that would be ruling right beside god and helping rule over the whole earth.
but, they were not allowed or good enough to be 'elders' and just rule over a tiny little congregation.
i know now this should have been a red flag for me...but, i just thought oh well this scripture says that men are to be the head of woman.
I could not understand how we could have it both way. Reports of bad news meant the end was near and any news regarding peace and security meant the end was near.
Elders Are Closing In....
by daniel-p inwell, it's been about 6 months or so since i've turned in a time report and things are heating up a bit.
i still attend the meetings with my wife - i am still "visible" - but i have not gone out in service for a conspicuous amount of time.
just this afternoon the po called and wanted to meet with me.
While I was fading, I would say to whoever asked, that I notice that I was doing things out of habit (meetings and field service) and that I know Jehovah does not want that kind of service. I said that I wanted to stop doing things out of habit and reexamine my relationship with Jehovah. So far it has worked, I have not attended the meetings or gone out in field service for 5 years now. Still examining.
R Rated Movies
by Swamboozled infor those of you who tried to follow the no rated r movies "suggestion", what rated r movie did you run out and get after you decided the society could shove their "suggestions"?
i was dying to see both matrix movies, so they were the first i rented.
“Saturday Night Fever” was my first R rated movie. I was 22 years old and married (Elders wife). I looked all around me to make sure no one saw me sneaking in to see an R rate movie.
I am so proud of my son.
by Mig inmy dil called to tell me that she, my son and the children got dress to go to the meeting last night.
they have been somewhat irregular in meeting attendance.
she has been receiving constant pressured from her sister to attend.
Thank you all for your encouraging words and your welcome.
My decision to stop attending divided the family into those that attend or those that did not. However, my husband always said family first and he did all he could to keep the marriage and family together. His attitude helped in keeping us together.
I am so proud of my son.
by Mig inmy dil called to tell me that she, my son and the children got dress to go to the meeting last night.
they have been somewhat irregular in meeting attendance.
she has been receiving constant pressured from her sister to attend.
My DIL called to tell me that she, my son and the children got dress to go to the meeting last night. They have been somewhat irregular in meeting attendance. She has been receiving constant pressured from her sister to attend. On the way to the meeting she had a heart-to-heart talk with my son. She told him that she didn’t like attending the meetings. She would continue to attend until the children were 18 years old. At that time she would give them the option of whether they wanted to continuing attending or not, but that at that time she would no longer attend. In the parking lot of the hall, my son said to her that no one should attend against their will and that he would speak with her sister. He said let’s get some donut and go home.
Background information: I am a successful fader. Five years ago I told my husband (an Elder at the time) that no I didn’t have any time to report and no I was not going to the meeting that evening, or ever again, it split the family. My daughters stop attending and my son, with his father, continued being active JWs. My son’s response to his wife means a lot to me.