I'll say the same thing that I said on Ozzie's thread on the same topic:
Since when does a group claiming to have the Word of God threaten people?? Oh wait, that's one of the WTS's main functions, threatening its members and keeping them in line with fear tactics.
I can't wrap my brain around the fact that these people can treat us "unbelievers" or those who are "weak in the Truth" like dirt and still believe that they are doing God's work and are assured eternal life in Paradise. Can someone please point me to the Bible passage that says, "JWs, you guys are the real deal, treat everyone else like inferior beings who are going to Hell anyway and you'll be doing exactly what God wants you to. Double the points for being extra-mean and bring family members into it!!".
I can't believe that these people actually believe that they're right in doing this. I thought that the Bible says to "love your neighbours as yourself" and to "do onto others as you would like them to do onto you"?? The JWs constantly look down on everyone who's not a member of the WTS and they treat us "unbelievers" and "apostates" like dirt, even threaten them and their families with impending doom, but when someone says anything even remotely against their beliefs and their organization, and they're running around screaming bloody murder because they're being "persecuted". Who's persecuting who here??
The hypocrisy really blows my mind.
As for my run-ins with JWs, besides the snide remarks my JW boyfriend likes to make about my holidays, the worst thing I ever got from a JW was from a poster here at JWD. He called me, and I quote, a "tree-worshipping Protestant pagan". I think that was supposed to be offensive, but it was just water off a duck's back for me. It kinda shocked me that someone trying to defend his/her beliefs would behave like that and say something like that, but I've surmised that this kind of behaviour is just a defence mechanism for JWs. They're afraid that they might find out just how wrong they are in some respects and of course, that would just pull the rug right out from under their feet, they wouldn't be able to handle it, their whole way of life would crumble, so they build walls and hide behind rude, condescending comments to protect themselves.
-Becka :)