A lot of my nurse friends swear by Gravol or Benadryl for helping them get some sleep. ; I have only used Gravol a couple of times since I started working permanent night shift. ; The nice thing about both of these medications is that they are not addictive the way sedatives can be.
My mom is a nurse who works permanent night shifts and she says that a lot of her friends and co-workers use Gravol to help them sleep if they're having trouble. I guess it's a common remedy in the nursing community, and if it's good enough for them, I guess it's good enough for me. I think I'll pick up a package the next time I'm at the drugstore, just in case.
Maybe the things you are learning about your boyfriend's belief system are causing some conflict for you. ; It would be natural, for example, for you to feel on ;some level that your investigations on JWD may be perceived as a betrayal of trust, and this conflicts with your knowledge that you are a trustworthy person. ; It also puts you in a position where you are no longer at a disadvantage to his belief system. ; Remember how empowering it was when you first arrived here, and learned why your boyfriend has such a negative attitude toward the celebrations that you cherish? ; You learned some different ways to cope with his attitude, and by the sound of things he has responded well to the way you handled the matter. ; Is it possible that you feel a bit "guilty" for "tricking" [for lack of a better word, or to use a word that he might use in this circumstance] ;him into behaving better? Only you know the answers to those questions, and please don't feel that I'm not supportive of the action you've taken to improve the relationship from your end. ; But if there's a chance that this has been bothering you on a subconscious level, it wouldn't surprise me that it would be interfering with your ability to get a good night's sleep. ; Either way, it would be worth checking into it.
Oh, no offence taken, I don't think you're being unsupportive at all. I have spent a lot of time lately thinking about my relationship and JWs in general and this board and what I've learned and am continuing to learn, and how all of this figures into my life now that I'm in a relationship with a JW, so it could be having an effect on my sleep habits. I'm not especially concerned about this being a betrayal of trust in my relationship, though, because I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, I'm a student and I'm researching, and I've also never lied about my research, it's just something that doesn't come up in conversation. If I was lying about it, then I would certainly feel guilty, I have an incredible guilt complex, but I never lie to him about anything, I'm just conveniently not telling him about this board. It still feels so good to learn more about why he believes what he does and behaves the way he does, and I actually think that this is helping me relax a little and not stress out so much about everything. Before I learned anything about JWs and the WTS, I was so stressed out, I didn't know what to think or how to handle things, but now that I'm learning, I feel much better about everything. Actually, I think I've actually been sleeping better since I started posting here, this board is very therapeutic. True, the world of the WTS still confuses and scares me, but I actually feel good about learning about it, I feel better prepared and well-armed with good, solid information, it's a very good feeling. And it's even better that my relationship is going more smoothly since I started reading here, I'm getting better at dealing with my JW boyfriend and understanding him and I'm feeling much more comfortable with everything.
This new sleep problem has arisen very recently, in the past two weeks, but it's not resolving itself, which is unusual. I've been researching for months and posting here since November, so I'm inclined to think that there's some other problem that's keeping me awake, I just don't know what it is. Nothing has changed recently, nothing new at all, I just can't seem to sleep anymore.
I always listen to some quiet music when I go to bed, I've always found that it helps me sleep, but I don't do anything else that might be distracting. I never have caffeine after supper (or "dinner" for all of you non-Newfies out there), I don't talk on the phone in bed, I don't read or watch TV in bed, nothing like that. Hmm, maybe I'm just meant to be nocturnal.
Or maybe I just need a vacation...
Well, it's late here now, so I'm gonna attempt to get some sleep, I have an anthropology test at 10:30am. If I sleep, great, if I don't, I'll probably be back here, perusing the threads, in a couple of hours.
Thanks for all the advice, everyone, I appreciate it!! If there's anything else, I'd love to hear it!!
-Becka :)