Is there anybody out there with a scan of this?? Anybody?? I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm very curious about this picture.
-Becka :)
look at the pendant around sarah's neck in the illustration on page 10 of the march 15th watchtower.. looks like a cross to me.
maybe a celtic cross in a circle of eternity style..
Is there anybody out there with a scan of this?? Anybody?? I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm very curious about this picture.
-Becka :)
i have been living in my new house since november.
i have been home every weekend, saturday and sunday mornings.
i live in a big city, in a densely housed area.. there has not been a single jw door-knocker this entire time!!!!
I remember when I was younger and living at home all the time, JWs and Mormons were knocking on doors all the time. There's even a KH in my tiny hometown, though I've only ever seen lights on there once in my life (there are actually windows in this KH, tiny though they are). Lots of days when my mother would tell us to stay out of the windows and not answer the door until they'd gone by, just because they're so damn hard to get rid of, they're very persistent. There was even a time when I was in junior high when a JW woman would come to our door every Saturday morning with her little girl and give us a few copies of Watchtower and Awake!. I think Mom just took the magazines because she wanted to be polite and help this woman do her work, not because we believed what the JWs were preaching. We're all quite happy being Anglicans, thanks.
But I haven't seen a JW in years. This woman stopped coming to our house a few years ago and we haven't seen her since, and there have been no replacements for her, nor have there been any other JWs knocking on the door, or Mormons, either, for that matter.
Have they all given up on the people in my area, are they all "seeing the light" and leaving the WTS, or are they just not as active as they should be?? When I'm at home, I drive by the KH in my hometown on a regular basis, and I've been paying extra attention to it on meeting nights, but there's never anyone in there. What's up??
-Becka :)
do you encounter a jw and feel that you have "been had" afterwards?
do you feel "violated"?
does what you should have said occur to you 15 minutes later or the next day?
Becka, does your family reject and shun you for leaving the Mormon's?Uh, I don't think she was a Mormon. They tried to convert her at the mall - that's why she's running.
Right on, TT, I'm an Anglican, always have been, just like everyone else in my family, but in the meantime, nobody in my family would shun me if I turned my back on the Anglican church. Not even my grandmother, who's a staunch Anglican who has nothing good to say about any other faith. You should hear what she has to say about my uncle's Catholic wife. No, there would certainly be no shunning my family for a conversion to another faith, not at all, except for my grandmother, we're all very accepting of other faiths, as long as nobody is harmed by following another church.
The point was, I did have an encounter with a proselytizing minority religion - the Mormons - and I did feel very violated afterwards. They didn't directly say anything against my faith and my belief system, but I could hear the contempt in their voices when I said that I'm an Anglican. How do you get recruits when you talk down to a person's belief system?? I felt like they'd attacked everything I'd ever known and my family for teaching me these things, and I didn't like it at all.
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
Hi Becka,I'm getting ready for bed. My daughter from SC came up tonight and gave me my birthday card. She wrote this
"Dad, I'm so very sorry I wasn't here for your birthday! You know that I love you very much and I hope your birthday was very special, you deserved it. At the moment all I can offer is love, kindness and a caring heart! But I will make it up to you later, I love you always, you're the BEST Dad in the whole world!! Thank you, just being my dad, I appreciate you very much.
Love always, Lisa
It's impossible not to love a daughter like this.
Ken P.
Hi Ken,
Aww, sounds like your daughter is a real sweetheart, you're really lucky to have someone like her in your life. I know she means every single word that she wrote for you, and I'm sure she's absolutely right about it all, too. I'm bet her card made your birthday that much more special. You're truly blessed to have a daughter like her, I'm so happy for you. That's such a great story, I'm going to go to bed happy now.
Well, it's late over here, I need to get some sleep. Good night!!
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
Although... some of us could do with some Global Warming right now!!!
Agreed!! It's so damn cold here today, I shiver just thinking about it!! And to make matter worse, it won't get halfway warm here for another four months!!
-Becka (of the "heating-challenged" class) :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
Becka, I will be right over, umm how far away from California are you?
C'mon over, I'll get the snacks ready. Umm, I think California is about 4000 miles away from here, think you can make it??
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
And I'll check out this board a bit later. (I really need to get a social life. )
Amen to that, I need to get a social life, too. I spend entirely too much time here at JWD!!
-Becka :)
it's a struggle to live a life of dualism.
you sought comfort in her arms, were soothed by her normalacy, and is a wiff of fresh air to you.
but if you, like so many others, a 2nd or 3rd gen witnesses, it's a struggle, especially if you believe the dogma and have family in it , and the hold it has on you in your mind it's extreme.
But he could get marked, and then get shunned. It can still cause problems.
That could be a bad thing, but he doesn't go to the KH often enough for anyone there to know him anyway and he doesn't have any JW friends, and his family wouldn't shun him because they're all just as bad as he is for the most part anyway. If they didn't shun his sister for having two children out of wedlock by two different men, then they're not gonna shun him for dating me.
I think he's just afraid of "looking bad" in front of his congregation - in a lot of ways, he's just like a kid or a teenager, just looking for love and approval.
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
Hey ballistic, looks like you did a pretty good job of resurrecting this thread. Nice work.
-Becka :)
ahh yes, it's the end of another work / school week once again.
it's time to breathe in some friday night air, kick back, relax, maybe knock a few back... .
the question is, what are my fellow jwd-ers doing tonight??.
Getting ready for the big blizzard here in the Northeast
We're gearing up for a blizzard here on Monday, maybe it's the same one you guys are getting!!
lola, if you want some snow and cold weather, come on over, there's plenty here to go around!!
-Becka :)