Aww, thank you Tetra, that's the only love I'll be getting from a guy for Valentine's Day.
So, right back at ya.
-Becka :)
i don't quite understand all the "hype" and the endless questions about what my s/o is going to do/get me for the "big day".
i think diamonds are ugly, i don't like gold, flowers die and if want chocolate i'll buy it myself thanks.
honestly what i want for valentines day is for him to start being financially responsible and pick up after himself.
Aww, thank you Tetra, that's the only love I'll be getting from a guy for Valentine's Day.
So, right back at ya.
-Becka :)
i don't quite understand all the "hype" and the endless questions about what my s/o is going to do/get me for the "big day".
i think diamonds are ugly, i don't like gold, flowers die and if want chocolate i'll buy it myself thanks.
honestly what i want for valentines day is for him to start being financially responsible and pick up after himself.
Well I wish you all a happy valentines day.
Happy Valentine's Day to you, too, ballistic. Don't work too hard and good luck with your exams.
-Becka :)
the jws will right away turn to isaiah 43:10 and say there is the explanation: .
"but you are my witnesses, o israel!
" says the lord.
I think Super Becka is on the right track here, a perception, by the way, that I feel is so charming in one so young, when she describes the WTS as a Jewish offshoot - because this has been my observation as well - having studied, and followed, their pattern of beliefs for many years.
Thanks, moggy lover, I'm glad you appreciate my point-of-view here. I think I see it that way because I'm not a JW, nor have I ever been (and never will be, either, thanks), so I can look at the WTS and its teachings objectively without the brainwashing that so many JWs have been subjected to. I'm sure that many of them would come to the same conclusion if they could see things from the outside.
-Becka :)
i don't quite understand all the "hype" and the endless questions about what my s/o is going to do/get me for the "big day".
i think diamonds are ugly, i don't like gold, flowers die and if want chocolate i'll buy it myself thanks.
honestly what i want for valentines day is for him to start being financially responsible and pick up after himself.
What do you want for valentines day?
I'd just like for my JW boyfriend to call or email me and say "Happy Valentine's Day, I love you." That's all, I don't need anything fancy.
It's not gonna happen, though.
-Becka :)
yep tomorrow's valentines day, and i don't have a valentine, as soon as i get home i will be calling my good friend to ask him to be mine lol, what about you guys, have any special plans or old memories of valentines day you'd like to share
I've never really had a "happy" Valentine's Day. I was seeing a guy last year for Valentine's Day, but he gave me the same gift that he gave his "other" girlfriend (read: the girl he was cheating on me with) and then spend the night with her - not my idea of a good Valentine's Day, that's for sure.
This year, I have a great guy, he's a total sweetheart, he loves me very much, he spoils me rotten and he worships the ground that I walk on... except that he's a JW. So, of course, no Valentine's Day for me this year. I did send him a card last week, though, so he should be getting it soon. I wonder how he'll react??
I'm heading home for a few days this weekend, so I'll have Valentine's Day with my mom and her new boyfriend, and with my dad and my new baby brother. Hey, if I can't share it with my boyfriend, who better to share Valentine's Day with than my family??
I hope everyone else out there has a very happy Valentine's Day!!
-Becka :)
the jws will right away turn to isaiah 43:10 and say there is the explanation: .
"but you are my witnesses, o israel!
" says the lord.
Interesting concept, and it makes perfect sense to me, but I get the funny feeling that JWs would find something else to write off that argument, even if it was something as lame as, "Well, the GB/FDS say that we are Jehovah's witnesses, so that is what we call ourselves."
It seems to me that there are a few Biblical commands that JWs follow that are directed at Jews and not Christians, like the whole "don't consume blood" thing, but JWs are more like Jews than Christians, anyway. I'd consider them more of a radical/ultra-conservative Jewish sect than a Christian denomination.
-Becka :)
"life without liberty is like a body without spirit.
" - kahlil gibran.
if only the wts could see that.
This is definitely the quickest that one of my threads has ever died, but I think that quote is a good one, so I'm gonna bttt this one so more people can read it.
-Becka :)
it's a struggle to live a life of dualism.
you sought comfort in her arms, were soothed by her normalacy, and is a wiff of fresh air to you.
but if you, like so many others, a 2nd or 3rd gen witnesses, it's a struggle, especially if you believe the dogma and have family in it , and the hold it has on you in your mind it's extreme.
You're very welcome, jojochan, I live to make people happy.
Wear those bright scrubs today, be happy!!
It really is a beautiful thing, keep on believing!!
-Becka (of the "I believe in love and happiness" class) :)
valentine's day is tuesday and i was just wondering; for those who still have mates in dub it tempting to maybe buy them flowers or insist on a dinner date on such a lovey-dovey day?
i saw some yellow roses on sale today at walmart and was tempted to get some for my mom then i realized i'd better wait till after the 14th.
silly aint it?
Super becka, he'd be a dummy if he did'nt like it.I would if someone did that for me.
He's a JW, so of course he's a dummy when it comes to appreciating special occasions.
Aww, jojochan, nobody should have to be lonely for Valentine's Day. PM me your email address and I'll gladly send you an e-card.
-Becka :)
it's a struggle to live a life of dualism.
you sought comfort in her arms, were soothed by her normalacy, and is a wiff of fresh air to you.
but if you, like so many others, a 2nd or 3rd gen witnesses, it's a struggle, especially if you believe the dogma and have family in it , and the hold it has on you in your mind it's extreme.
You have a sister?
Sorry, jojochan, no sisters here, but I do have two brothers.
But if this helps...
*bestows lots of love and approval on jojochan*
Feel better now??
-Becka :)