Happy Valentine's day all you sexy JWD hotties!
Why thanks, GBL, I take it that was directed at me, right??
Happy Valentine's Day from one Newfie to another, GBL!!
-Becka :)
well, it's just about 12:30am here in newfoundland right now, so north america is just reaching valentine's day.. to all of my fellow jwd-ers out there in north america who are just starting valentine's day, and to all of the jwd-ers in other parts of the world who are probably all done with it by now.... happy valentine's day!!.
whether you're sharing it with friends or family or a special someone, i hope everyone has a great day!!.
Happy Valentine's day all you sexy JWD hotties!
Why thanks, GBL, I take it that was directed at me, right??
Happy Valentine's Day from one Newfie to another, GBL!!
-Becka :)
my vote goes to daystar!!!
i jump everytime i see his pic!!!.
stillajwexelder---if i wanted to see your avatar in my face, i'd just go look in the mirror!!!
OHH come on now, I think we all know me and becka did that for attention.
Hey, I was serious, I really don't like any pictures of myself. My boyfriend is constantly complaining because I hate how I look, but oh well, that's just how it is.
And my avatar is about the best picture I have of myself, pathetic isn't it??
-Becka :)
ok, i was talking to my jw boyfriend on the phone for a while last night, and we were talking about some plans that we have for this coming summer.
one of these plans is a family get-together / camping trip that his family does every year.
i'm all gung-ho for doing family events with him, but while we were talking about it last night, i got really anxious about it.. i'd thought that it was just going to be his immediate family - parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, that sort of thing.
Just remember that he is the one who is going against his belief system, and that's not your fault. ; I'm sure his extended family may not exactly see things that way though... so be prepared for some unkind remarks.
True, I totally understand. He's the one that's "doing something wrong" here, not me, I don't have any qualms about dating someone of a different faith and nobody's gonna get angry with me for it, he's the one doing something that he "shouldn't be doing". I've even asked him why he isn't dating a JW, and he said that he didn't know any that he'd be interested in dating. As for his family and rude comments, they can say all the nasty things they want to about me and the fact that I'm not a JW, I have a thick skin.
SB, how do they view the fact that their JW relative has a relationship with a non JW person?
I don't know how his extended family sees our relationship, but his parents and siblings think it's great, they're very happy that he's finally dating someone. He's 28 years old and I'm his first girlfriend. And remember, his sister is married to a non-JW for the second time, I don't think it's a huge issue for his immediate family, anyway. I think they actually like me, his parents and siblings.
-Becka :)
ok, i was talking to my jw boyfriend on the phone for a while last night, and we were talking about some plans that we have for this coming summer.
one of these plans is a family get-together / camping trip that his family does every year.
i'm all gung-ho for doing family events with him, but while we were talking about it last night, i got really anxious about it.. i'd thought that it was just going to be his immediate family - parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, that sort of thing.
Ooo, jgnat, you devil, I like the sound of some of those suggestions!!
Look at it this way; you can get away with a LOT of newbie goofs. If I were you, this is what I would go for, rather than attempt to fit in. Be prepared for the love-bombing; hug them and squeeze them right back. Paste a huge smile on your face, and give out firm handshakes all around. DON'T GIVE ANYONE YOUR PHONE NUMBER. Agree that the world is in a terrible state and then mention a college course you are taking, a book you just finished reading, or an adorable new purchase. And defer any book studies to an indefinite time in the future.
- Wear shorts. Leave all your skirts at home.
- Swear once in a while (not the REAL baddies, just HECK, DRAT, stuff like that) cover your mouth and say, "Did I say that out loud?" and giggle.
- Have a colored streak in your hair.
- Contradict your boyfriend in public.
- If you aren't sure if you are breaking a JW habit, ask. "Do JW's ....XXXX?" I wouldn't want to offend you kind folks. Then forget and do it anyways.
- Wear flattering blouses and t's and flash your boyfriend when no-one is looking.
Chances are they will be working real hard to prove they are just like regular folk. You can switch them in and out of JW-mode by changing the subject matter. Stick to secular subjects and they will be as normal as you and me. Talk about the terrible state of our world, and POOF, watch them switch over to the Canned Presentation. This could be a good trial run what it's like rubbing shoulders with JW's every week.
Let's see:
- I don't even OWN a skirt, so not a problem.
- Hehehe, I swear a little more often than any proper lady should, so what the hell, slipping a few in should be no problem at all!!
- Hmm, shouldn't be a problem having some minor arguments with my boyfriend, we tend to disagree on minor things all the time and I never do what he tells me to.
- I'm sure I could come up with some nice snug shirts to wear, and while I tend to be rather conservative and private, he most certainly wouldn't be opposed to some things that I wouldn't normally do around family. Hey, he's never shied away from some rather passionate kisses in front of his family before.
Ooo, and college talk should be lots of fun. I'm a history major, I can talk about any world problem and relate it to any of the courses that I've taken, that'll be easy. I'm not sure how opposed to college that they are, after all, my boyfriend has a BSc. in Electronics, but it's worth a shot.
Heh heh heh, I come from a very lovey-dovey family, so I'm very good at being affectionate and reciprocating any love that they want to throw at me. I've hear the stories, I'm well-prepared to have them love-bomb me. The thing is, my family does that, too, but they're genuine about it, when they show you love and acceptance, they don't have any ulterior motives (it's a Newfoundland thing, we're all very loving people), so I'm quite good at hugging everyone and shaking everyone's hands and being perky and polite. They can love-bomb me all they want, it'll have no effect on me and I can toss it right back at them. I've been to plenty of family reunions with lots of relatives that I've never met before, I can show false love with the best of 'em.
Ya know, with some more tips like this, it might be an interesting experience. As long as I'm well-prepared and know what I'm going into, it could be a lot of fun. Usually, I'd try not to offend anyone and not to step on anyone's toes, but maybe I'll be a little less careful this time and see what I can learn, like an experiment.
If anyone else has some fun things to try, I'd love to hear it!!
-Becka :)
from summer after next, smoking will be banned in any public place including pubs and clubs in england.. although i plan on giving up again, i still don't agree with government interfering like this.
they had previously.
made proposals for some pubs to remain licensed for smoking which i thought would have been a workable compromise.
They've already passed anti-smoking legislation here in Newfoundland, they passed it last July. That means no smoking in ANY public places, not in bars/pubs, not in restaurants, not in prison, not even on outdoor patios. You can smoke in your own home or outside on the sidewalk (at least 10 feet away from entrances to businesses), but that's about it.
It makes the world a little more pleasant for all of us non-smokers to live in, we don't like going out and coming home smelling like ashtrays. And it's healthier for the people who have to work in public places, too.
-Becka :)
if you weigh a couple of pounds more than you thought, do you try moving the scale around a few inches left or right to see if you weigh less..... how about stepping more in the back or front of the scale and see if you weigh less.. or maybe put the needle at -1 lbs just to feel better .
How about stepping more in the back or front of the scale and see if you weigh less.
Tried it, it doesn't work.
I find that the best trick for losing weight is to spend a few semesters in university. I've always been thin, but I've lost about 15lbs since I started university. Having no money is a great weight-loss plan!!
-Becka :)
my vote goes to daystar!!!
i jump everytime i see his pic!!!.
stillajwexelder---if i wanted to see your avatar in my face, i'd just go look in the mirror!!!
'Nuff said.
I hate all pictures of myself.
-Becka :)
it is v day and i feel super crummy, worse than the last time.
i just wish i could go back to bed and sleep the day away.
what is wrong with me?
lola... yoo hoo, lola!!
How's everything going now?? Still feelin' crummy?? Aww, c'mon, it's not so bad. And besides, look at how hard everyone is trying to cheer you up!!
And hey, you're not the only one having a bad Valentine's Day - all of us idiots dating JWs are having a bad V-Day, too, or at least I am. That doesn't mean that I'm not celebrating, though - I have chocolates and Valentines for my roommates, I shared some chocolates in class today and I got cards from my mom and dad in the mail. Plus, I'm wearing some great new V-Day lingerie that I bought for myself and for outerwear, I'm sticking with the whole red theme.
Hey, just because I'm lonely doesn't mean I can't try to have fun anyway!!
I hope your day is going better over there!! And treat yourself to something fun after work, that's what all of us lonely people do on Valentine's Day, it's an excuse to spoil ourselves!!
-Becka :)
so,... i'm new here...how does this site work?
can anyone give me some hints?
your sis,.
Hey LovelyStar, welcome to the board!!
Stick around, there's lots of great people here!!
-Becka :)
ok, i was talking to my jw boyfriend on the phone for a while last night, and we were talking about some plans that we have for this coming summer.
one of these plans is a family get-together / camping trip that his family does every year.
i'm all gung-ho for doing family events with him, but while we were talking about it last night, i got really anxious about it.. i'd thought that it was just going to be his immediate family - parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, that sort of thing.
(BTW is he baptized?)
Nope, he's 28 years old (he'll be 29 in July) and not baptized.
But both of you have taken a stand here and I think somewhere down the line, somethings got to give. Would he spend x-mas day with you and your family opening presents? Would he attend the weddings of your family if they were in "pagan churches?" I think if you accomodate his family, he needs to accomodate yours and respect your beliefs.It's a long-distance relationship, so we're not together for the holidays, anyway, but I would certainly invite him to have Christmas dinner with my family and I if he was closer, though I don't know how he'd react to that. He did say at one point that he might try Christmas with me sometime.
With regards to church, he actually volunteered to come to church with me the next time he visits, and he keeps bringing it up. Every time we talk about his next visit, he usually says something like, "Well, we'll see your family again and you can introduce me to some of your friends, and we'll go to church and...", he hasn't tried to get out of going to church with me, I think he might be interested in it. He asked me once if I was one of those girls who had her wedding all planned out, and I said no, but I always imagined getting married in my little church back home, and he thinks that's perfectly fine and acceptable.
I do my best to accommodate his beliefs and I never bad-mouth what he believes in, though he does a good job of saying rude things about my holidays and celebrations. He also says that he loves me more than anything and is going to make sacrifices to make our relationship work, so I think there may be some hope just yet.
After all, from what I've seen, his immediate family is fairly liberal - remember, his sister is married, for the second time, to a non-JW, and his other sister has two children from two different men out of wedlock, and they don't have any problems with that. And for this summer get-together, we'll be staying in tents, and there are plans for my boyfriend and I to have our own private tent and just one big sleeping bag, so they can't be too strict about everything.
-Becka :)