Though I'll admit to being quite partial to AuldSoul, so now I'm very jealous toward Becka. Stay the hell away from my man!!!
I'd fight ya for him, but I think we're both out of luck, AA, he's taken. Now what??
-Becka :)
... are wondering which jwders you're harbouring a secret crush on.
ok guys, time to 'fess up, we want to know which members you have a crush on.
c'mon, don't be shy!!.
Though I'll admit to being quite partial to AuldSoul, so now I'm very jealous toward Becka. Stay the hell away from my man!!!
I'd fight ya for him, but I think we're both out of luck, AA, he's taken. Now what??
-Becka :)
i'm asking this because i found myself in an bad spot monday night.
my daughter is almost three and goes to a little preschool thing each day.
they were to have a valentine's day party on tuesday, for which i was to bring fruit, etc.
Thanks for the clarification, Slugga, I knew it was sometime around Nov. 5th, I just never remember exactly when.
Who's up for Bonfire Night this year??
-Becka :)
... are wondering which jwders you're harbouring a secret crush on.
ok guys, time to 'fess up, we want to know which members you have a crush on.
c'mon, don't be shy!!.
C'mon people, we want some answers.
-Becka :)
... are wondering which jwders you're harbouring a secret crush on.
ok guys, time to 'fess up, we want to know which members you have a crush on.
c'mon, don't be shy!!.
I swear we are like lost twins that look nothing a like, seperated at birth? I think sooooo.
Just like that movie, "Twins"
Whadda ya think??
-Becka :)
... are wondering which jwders you're harbouring a secret crush on.
ok guys, time to 'fess up, we want to know which members you have a crush on.
c'mon, don't be shy!!.
Becka that's what friends are for, hehe
-Becka :)
... are wondering which jwders you're harbouring a secret crush on.
ok guys, time to 'fess up, we want to know which members you have a crush on.
c'mon, don't be shy!!.
Nice Becka, put me on the spot why dontcha,
Hehehe, of course, that's what friends are for!!
OK, lola, since you put it that way, I'll put my crushes up here, too.
Here goes:
- AuldSoul
- AlmostAtheist
- ballistic
Dear God, I can't believe I just did that. And to make matter worse, there'll probably be more to come, when I'm thinking straight again.
Now I'm embarrassed.
I hope you're happy, lola!!
OK everyone, we did it, now you gotta do it, too!! 'Fess up!!
-Becka :)
... are wondering which jwders you're harbouring a secret crush on.
ok guys, time to 'fess up, we want to know which members you have a crush on.
c'mon, don't be shy!!.
... are wondering which JWDers you're harbouring a secret crush on.
OK guys, time to 'fess up, we want to know which members you have a crush on. C'mon, don't be shy!!
lola, you start.
-Becka :)
see there seems to be some confusion as to whether think is a man or a woman... and since he/she wont set the matter straight, i think i may try..... there are two options, .
a)he is a male who was once enlisted in the school of the infamous one, and thus knows how to make everyone love him... he is a flirt, and is having fun with all the attention.... b) (which is my preference) he/she is a hemaphrodite... he is both sexes... what do you guys think???.
the infamous one
Hey, I was thinking about starting the same kind of thread. Nice work, theinfamousone, great minds think alike.
Hmm, I'm voting "hermaphrodite" for our dear Think - I originally thought that he/she was a guy, just because I've seen him/her flirt with the ladies on here, myself included for a brief moment, but now, I'm not so sure.
My brain still says Think is a he, but who knows??
I think it's time for Think to come clean.
-Becka :)
i'm asking this because i found myself in an bad spot monday night.
my daughter is almost three and goes to a little preschool thing each day.
they were to have a valentine's day party on tuesday, for which i was to bring fruit, etc.
nice to know were not alone, i thought it was just a daft british thing...whoo!
Hehehe, it is a "daft British thing" - Newfoundland was a British colony until 1949 and we still have all of our British traditions. Hell, Canada was a British colony until 1867, some parts of it later, so we still do everything according to Britain. You know that the Queen is our head-of-state?? And we have Boxing Day after Christmas, too. Ooo, and since I'm an Anglican, we sing "God Save The Queen" in church.
You "daft British" people aren't the only ones who do the things you do.
-Becka :)
please don't include anyone that has their real picture posted!!!
let's give the unknowns a little recognition!!!.
i like legolas, a-typical, almost atheist....that should get it started!.
Hands down, my favorite is AlmostAtheist's avatar.I keep thinking I should try to call him to see if he really sounds like Fry.
I love Almost Atheist's avatar, too, and I keep imagining Fry reading his posts aloud. Maybe it's time to call our dear friend Dave and find out if he's Fry's non-animated counterpart. Hey AA, do you really sound like Fry??
-Becka :)