Ooo, looks like lots of good information, thanks for the hard work, Atlantis!!
Please don't cancel Volume 2!!
-Becka :)
Ooo, looks like lots of good information, thanks for the hard work, Atlantis!!
Please don't cancel Volume 2!!
-Becka :)
i must be in a bad mood the last couple weeks on this board.
i see people that a critical and mean.
yes i even do this, but only in self-defense and not proud of it either.
May I throw a fit?
By all means, skyman, rant away. I'm certainly not opposed to seeing other people's points-of-view on issues here on the board.
Also, I'd like to apologize if I've ever said anything rude or behaved in a less-than-acceptable way, I try not to step on anybody's toes here on the board, but I don't know if I always succeed. If I've ever said anything that's unacceptable or I do in the future, feel free to call me on it and correct me, I don't mind and it'll be for the benefit of the board.
-Becka :)
u/d 1:1....and yeah u/d decideth to plagarizeth...and this is whateth he spoketh...or is it "spake"?
health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
"You're only young once, but you can immature forever!!"
And my personal motto:
"You don't stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing."
-Becka :)
well the c.o was visiting the congregation a few weeks ago and he made an interesting comment.. he said that years ago when the society said "jump" the brothers would respond "how high?.
now when the society says "jump" the brothers ask "why"?.
this tells me that the walls of this spiritual paradise are cracking and that many are not willing to put up with all the crap that jw's of the past did.. what do you think?
Well the C.O was visiting the congregation a few weeks ago and he made an interesting comment.He said that years ago when the society said "jump" the brothers would respond "how high?
Now when the society says "jump" the brothers ask "why"?
This tells me that the walls of this spiritual paradise are cracking and that many are not willing to put up with all the crap that jw's of the past did.
What do you think?
I think I like the sound of that!! I think that it means that more WTS drones are finally starting to think for themselves.
-Becka :)
it's really good to read stories of other people that have experienced some of the same things i have.
i haven't ever posted or even talked to another ex-jw except for my uncle who i have just recently started a relationship with.
the sad thing is that i am 30 years old and i am still struggling with the past....i'm soo sick of it.
Hi beachbugg, welcome to the board!! Stick around, there are lots of great people here and I'm sure we're all looking forward to more posts from you. Feel free to ask any questions that you might have, there are lots of very knowledgeable people on the board who are ready and willing to help out however they can.
Glad to have you along!!
-Becka :)
april 15, i believe.. and for anyone who knew rick mcclean, the fbi could really use your help.
(i can get you the proper number, if you pm me).
link to a thread with details on mcclean:
Thanks for the heads-up, SixofNine, be sure to remind us again in April so we won't miss it!!
-Becka :)
cults do happen to students at penn state university.
cults do happen to students at penn state university.
"icoc is one of the most active cults not only at penn state, but on campuses across the country," he said.
I'm a university student here in Newfoundland, and I'm also dating an inactive, unbaptized JW, so with everything that I've read and seen and heard about cults, the WTS in particular, I'd love to have a bunch of JWs come to campus and try to convert me or anyone else here - I'd certainly give them an earful, they definitely wouldn't be coming back.
Thing is, there aren't many JWs here and they don't go door-to-door very often. The closest I've come to beating off some JWs was dodging a couple of Mormons a couple of weeks ago. I think I could give the JWs a run for their money right about now, though - if anyone wanted to listen to me, I'd make sure that nobody who heard what I have to say would ever convert and become a member of a sect/cult.
-Becka :)
if you're single, what behavior(s) or actions by your partner would cause you to end a relationship, other than infidelity?
if you're married, what behavior(s) or actions by your spouse would cause you to seek a divorce, other than infidelity?
If you're single, what behavior(s) or actions by your partner would cause you to end a relationship, OTHER than infidelity?
I'm dating, so I guess I fit into the "single" category for this thread.
For me, infidelity would definitely be the big deal-breaker (I've broken up with a cheating boyfriend in the past), but other than that, I think that physical/emotional/sexual abuse would be a deal-breaker for me, for sure. I could never be with someone who purposely hurt me in any way, shape or form.
Also, I wouldn't be able to be in a relationship with someone who wanted to control me and take away my independence and freedom of thought and speech and force me to conform to a specific template. I'm a very independent person, I can't stand being controlled. I believe in equality in a relationship, and if I lose what power I do have in a relationship, I'm getting out of it ASAP.
Hmm, I'll post again if I come up with some new ones.
-Becka :)
poor he's at rest - cousin lee.
i will always miss and love you.
i wish i could have helped you.
I'm so sorry for your loss, I hope you're not blaming yourself for this, it's certainly not your fault. Please don't be too hard on yourself, I'm sure you helped your cousin out however you could and that's all you could do for him. This isn't your fault, remember that.
My condolences to you and your family. It's never easy to lose a family member.
-Becka :)
so i put it on here... i was waiting for the right time and i just got the urge, lol :) what do ya think?
Your smile is gorgeous, collegegurl21, I'm jealous!!
And congrats on having the courage to post your picture up here!! It's good to see the real you.
-Becka :)