Congratulations, Gwen!! I hope you and Zev have a very long and very happy life together!!
I wish you two all the best!!
-Becka :)
zev proposed to me today and we are now engaged to be married.. i can't even put into words the condition i and my heart is in except for two words.
joy happiness.
i just wanted to share this moment with you all.. .
Congratulations, Gwen!! I hope you and Zev have a very long and very happy life together!!
I wish you two all the best!!
-Becka :)
well my lily turned 4 today *sniff*..... she got many many toys....what to do with all this crap!.
all the food.......i must work out tomorrow..... .
getting a new barbie doll(like she needs a new one)..... .
Hey, is that Darth Tater??
Happy Birthday Lily!!
-Becka :)
today's news downunder includes this item and it makes us wonder, how we're personally feeling/.
sydney people the saddest: studymonday feb 13 06:14 aedt.
the saddest australians live in the heart of the country's richest and most expensive city, while the happiest voters live in a poor rural electorate in queensland, a map of the nation's wellbeing shows.. the deakin university study found the electorate of wide bay, one of the most disadvantaged areas in australia, contains the happiest people, while the saddest citizens are those living in the seat of sydney, the australian newspaper reports.. the study examined people's wellbeing by considering standard of living, health, achievement in life, personal relationships, sense of safety, connection to the community and future security.. eight of the top nine happiest electorates were poor and isolated rural communities, while all of the saddest seats were metropolitan or outer metropolitan seats.
More Pepsi?
Good suggestion!! Another case of Pepsi, and I think I'll be the happiest person on the planet!!
-Becka :)
alright, i'm looking for some opinions from the male portion of our jwd audience.. i'm in a long-distance relationship, like i've said here a million times before, so doing special things for my guy is kinda hard.
not only is it long-distance, it's international, too.
we're 3500 miles apart and i'm a starving student, so i can't just swing by for a visit to do something special for him on the fly.. last semester, i sent him a bunch of flowers in his favourite colour, a special "i miss you" bouquet from a local florist that i found online.
So, ballistic, would it be OK if, say, I sent him something sometime soon and then just gave up on the concept and let him do his thing?? It's so hard to find something nice for him that he'll like, maybe it'll just be easier to let him have fun spoiling me and stop complaining about it. He seems to be happiest when he's doing things for me anyway. It's hard for me to accept that I can't really do anything (I like to take care of people and spoil them, it comes naturally to me), but I guess I could learn to live with it. I'm just used to looking after myself and everyone else around me, it makes me uncomfortable to be spoiled. I've got to be the only girl on the face of the planet who complains that her boyfriend insists on spoiling her rotten!!
I am planning a small package to send him soon, though - I've picked up a book that I think he'll enjoy (he likes to read), it's called "What Canadians Think" (hey, if he's gonna date one, he may as well understand us!!), it's not a novel, I think he'll find it amusing, and I'm currently getting some pictures developed to send him that I know he doesn't have (pictures of us from the last vacation we had together, he's never seen them before), they should arrive any day now, and I'm keeping my eye open for something fun and nerdy and useful, like a pocketknife/flashlight/repair kit, he's a nerd, he'd enjoy something like that.
Hmm, maybe I should take some pictures of myself in the lingerie I bought myself for Valentine's Day - hey, he's a JW, he doesn't "do" Valentine's Day, I should give him a taste do what he's missing.
-Becka :)
i just stated reading a book called "the lovely bones" by alice sebold.
i am beginning chapter 3. here is the excerpt from the inside cover:
when we first meet susie salmon, she is already in heaven.
The Constant Princess, by Phillippa Gregory.
Mulan, if you like Phillippa Gregory, try "The Other Boleyn", it's about Anne Boleyn's sister, another one of Henry VIII's mistresses.
And to the poster who likes James Patterson - try "The Jester", it's awesome!!
I'm currently reading "Ornamentalism: How The British Saw Their Empire", by David Cannadine, it's for my British history course, and I recently read "Captives: Britain, Empire and the World, 1600-1850" by Cannadine's wife, Linda Colley, for the same course.
On the side, I'm rereading Orwell's "1984", and I'm gonna start reading "The Skystone" by Jack Whyte very shortly, and I'm also waiting to read "Downsize This!... and Other Random Threats From An Unarmed American" by Michael Moore (yeah, I'm a Michael Moore fan, I've read his other books and I love his documentaries, so sue me) and S.E. Hinton's newest, "Hawkes Harbor".
-Becka :)
today's news downunder includes this item and it makes us wonder, how we're personally feeling/.
sydney people the saddest: studymonday feb 13 06:14 aedt.
the saddest australians live in the heart of the country's richest and most expensive city, while the happiest voters live in a poor rural electorate in queensland, a map of the nation's wellbeing shows.. the deakin university study found the electorate of wide bay, one of the most disadvantaged areas in australia, contains the happiest people, while the saddest citizens are those living in the seat of sydney, the australian newspaper reports.. the study examined people's wellbeing by considering standard of living, health, achievement in life, personal relationships, sense of safety, connection to the community and future security.. eight of the top nine happiest electorates were poor and isolated rural communities, while all of the saddest seats were metropolitan or outer metropolitan seats.
Reasonably happy, I think.
I'm in university, I get decent marks (GPA = 3.3), my parents are divorced but still alive, I have an annoying brother that I wouldn't be able to live without, two of my grandparents are still alive, I have three great roommates, I'm healthy (partial deafness notwithstanding), I have enough to eat and drink, I have a roof over my head, I have clothing on my back, I can turn the heat up when it's cold, I'm almost finished my B.A. degree, I have an adorable, if horribly misled and stubborn, boyfriend and the sun still rises every morning and sets every night.
Plus, there's the possibility of a snowday tomorrow!!
What more could I ask for??
-Becka :)
alright, i'm looking for some opinions from the male portion of our jwd audience.. i'm in a long-distance relationship, like i've said here a million times before, so doing special things for my guy is kinda hard.
not only is it long-distance, it's international, too.
we're 3500 miles apart and i'm a starving student, so i can't just swing by for a visit to do something special for him on the fly.. last semester, i sent him a bunch of flowers in his favourite colour, a special "i miss you" bouquet from a local florist that i found online.
I don't consider myself "needy" in any way, shape or form, which is why I like to think that I'm understanding when a guy needs his space, I don't want to crowd him. Plus, I'm just terrible at being anybody but myself, so I stick with being me, it's easier that way.
Ugh, why do guys have to be so hard to do anything for?? My guy spoils me rotten - he buys me things, he tells me that he loves me often enough that I don't wonder about it (meaning: he doesn't tell me a million times a day, but he tells me fairly regularly), he's always telling me how great I am and how beautiful he thinks I am, he has planned out a great summer for us, complete with a trip to Florida (he knows I'm a Disney nut, he wants to take me to Disney World for a few days) and a trip to Hawaii, he sends me gifts by mail sometimes, sometimes he calls me out of the blue, just to surprise me, he's so good at all of this. And all I can do is sit here and take it, I'm helpless to return fire!!
Am I wrong to think that a relationship should be less one-sided?? I have a nagging desire to keep everything fair and equal, and I certainly feel like I'm getting the better end of the deal here. It just doesn't seem fair to me that he can spoil me all the time but it's so hard to do nice things for him. I'm just not comfortable with having someone do so many things for me when I can't reciprocate - I prefer to do things for other people rather than have people do things for me. Hell, I even feel guilty on Christmas morning when my parents give me a bunch of gifts and I can't give back as much as they give me!!
I think the problem comes from the fact that my last boyfriend was a total jackass who never did nice things for me, so I tried to do nice things for him to show him that I loved him, but he still ran off with another girl anyway. I think that just made me feel like the only way to keep a guy is to do nice things for him, I'm not used to being appreciated as a girlfriend, and it's hard to adjust.
Men are impossible. Humbug.
-Becka :)
there are certain aromas that i love.
some comfort me.
others create anticipation.
- The ocean (that's the North Atlantic for me) - Christmas trees (or pine trees in general) - Lilacs
- Fresh laundry just off the clothesline on a summer day
- Cookies baking in the oven
- My boyfriend's cologne
- My boyfriend when he's just out of the shower
- Candles just blown out on a birthday cake
- Ivory soap
- Old Spice cologne (reminds me of my grandfather)
- Outside just after a light rainshower
- Winter
- Fall air
- Spring
- Summer breezes
- fresh cut grass
- Turkey dinner
- My dad's homemade turkey soup
Mmm, I'm sure there are lots more, too.
-Becka :)
alright, i'm looking for some opinions from the male portion of our jwd audience.. i'm in a long-distance relationship, like i've said here a million times before, so doing special things for my guy is kinda hard.
not only is it long-distance, it's international, too.
we're 3500 miles apart and i'm a starving student, so i can't just swing by for a visit to do something special for him on the fly.. last semester, i sent him a bunch of flowers in his favourite colour, a special "i miss you" bouquet from a local florist that i found online.
I'm not sure if you've ever seen your bf in person, but I think he'd love to see a video of you to watch when he's feeling a bit lonely. So if you know someone with a camcorder, make him a personal video.
I've thought about that, but I don't have a camcorder or access to one, either. I was thinking about putting together something like that, but with still photos, instead - almost like a slideshow, but with more flair. Whadda ya think??
Ooo, and yes, I've seen my boyfriend on three occasions, so we're not total strangers.
I think you should also think about how often you buy things whatever they are.Don't flood this guy with stuff so he's overwhelmed. There is nothing worse for a guy. Remember - he has to do the hard work - not you.
I was concerned about that, too - I'm deathly afraid of smothering a guy, I want to give just the right amount of attention without suffocating him. That's why I don't, for example, phone him any more than twice a week, I don't want to be one of those girlfriends who smothers her boyfriend and scares him away. I give him all of the space that he needs, I don't pester him about anything, I listen to everything he has to say and I try to understand everything that he does. Like emails - we communicate mostly through email, so I email him daily, but sometimes, he doesn't email me for a few days. Sure, I'd like to bug him about that, but sometimes, a guy needs his space and I don't want to smother him, so I let him do what he wants. The problem is, that could lead to some trouble - I gave my last boyfriend all of the space that he wanted and needed, too, and he took that time and space and found himself a new girlfriend.
We've been dating now for almost 9 months, and I think I've given him a little something on two different occasions. Nothing big, just a couple of little things to say that I'm thinking about him, like the photos that I mentioned a few posts back. He's given me things on many more occasions, he gives me something every time we get together and he sends me things in the mail, too. For example - I have a Canon PowerShot A520 digital camera, my boyfriend gave it to me the very first time we met, before we were dating!! He's big on gift-giving, and he doesn't do it half-assed, either - he sent me a wooden picture-puzzle back in December that cost over $90 US. Why?? Because he knew I'd like it. He takes great pleasure in spoiling me, even when I tell him not to. I just want to be able to do nice things for him to show him that I care.
Heh, I asked him once what would be a good way for a girl to show a guy that she cares, because guys are so much harder to shop for than girls are. He said, "You wanna surprise me?? Show up at my apartment, naked. Guys love it when sex is the girl's idea."
-Becka :)
alright, i'm looking for some opinions from the male portion of our jwd audience.. i'm in a long-distance relationship, like i've said here a million times before, so doing special things for my guy is kinda hard.
not only is it long-distance, it's international, too.
we're 3500 miles apart and i'm a starving student, so i can't just swing by for a visit to do something special for him on the fly.. last semester, i sent him a bunch of flowers in his favourite colour, a special "i miss you" bouquet from a local florist that i found online.
Nope, I'm right with ya, ballistic - after all, I am a history major.
I'm still grasping at straws over here, though - men are impossible to buy for!!
I'd like to be practical, but there's nothing that my guy needs - when he needs something, he buys it, simple as that, so I don't have anything to go on for him, he has everything!!
-Becka :)