Hi saddler, welcome to the board!!
I, like yourself, find myself in love with a Witness, and I certainly know how hard it can be. I'm an Anglican and I have no desire to give up my faith to become a Witness like my boyfriend, especially after all I've learned, so I know how hard it can be to try and reconcile your beliefs with those of a Witness, it's not an easy task.
I haven't figured out what would be the best thing for me to do with my relationship just yet, it's certainly had it's ups and downs, but rest assured that there are lots of people on this board who are more than willing to help you out with your situation. When I came here a few months back, curious and concerned, they welcomed me with open arms and gave me lots of good information and advice on Witnesses and what they believe and how to deal with them, and I know that they'll do the same for you.
My best advice for you - stick around the forum, ask lots of questions, do lots of research, and keep the lines of communication open with your girl. Think things over, work things out, live and learn, and who knows, maybe this will work out for you. I hold the same hope for my relationship.
Good luck!! I hope you find the help and support that you need here, and I hope that everything works out for you!!
-Becka :)