I've fallen in love with a Jehovah's Witness and I know she feels the same way about me but the problem is that im a Methodist and cant find it in me to give up my faith and become a Jehovah's Witness as I would not expect her to give up her faith and it is driving us both crazy. I've known this lovely lady for the past 8 years and have only now told her how I feel and every second im away from her im thinking of her wanting to be with her. so im asking people who might know or be able to help Is there any way we can marry and still keep our individual faith's
im in love with a Jehovah's Witness
by saddler 66 Replies latest social relationships
Greetings Saddler
Congrats on finding love!. But scour this site for information, it will help you. I promise
Anything is possible if true love is involved. ANYTHING. However, you will find this not to be like other mixed faith marriages/relationships. It's very deeply ingrained into the witness psyche that if you are not a Jehovah's Witness, you will perish at Armageddon. This is why they go door to door avidly. This is why she'll probably never feel whole until you are a baptized witness. This will always hover around your relationship as long as she remains a witness. Or until you convert. And the pressure will be great and ongoing, is my guess.
Also, be careful with any children. Educate yourself on how the society views the giving of blood even in life threatening situations. Many children have died due to this policy. Please be careful.
But if it's true love, nothing will keep you apart. Careful, though...true love does not always equal a happy ending.
Many blessings to you,
All the best Saddler, there have been several posts recently like this. You will find some answers here, though bear in mind the majority of members here have *escaped* the JWs.
Saddler, congratulations! I'm sure your love is a fine gal, one in a million.
I knew a young man who pined for a Witness girl. 21 years he waited for her. She actually married a witness man and then became dissillusioned and left both the husband and the religion.
Then he snatched her up and carried her off to LOVE LAND!
We've been married now 11 months!!!! -
Welcome to the forum, you are doing well not wanting to become a JW since they are a cultic organisation with many strange dogmas and practices. It is difficult for JWs to abandon their religion because they are told that everything outside is satan dominated.
Yes, it is possible for this to work. I am in love with a Jehovah's Witness, and I married him. There are several factors working in our favour, however.
- My children are grown. THERE WILL BE NO DISPUTES on how children are to be raised, and I do not have to worry that a child of mine will be at risk of death from avoiding a blood transfusion.
- We negotiated mutual respect for our respective beliefs. We talked about Christmas, family events, mutual respect, attendance at funerals, weddings, blood, etc. etc. prior to committing. Nevertheless, hubby frequently renegs on his promises whenever an article or WT putsch comes up.
- Talk, talk, talk it all out.
DO EXPECT opposition from all sides. The Kingdom hall people will be nice so long as they think you can be converted. As soon as THAT pans out, they will get cool towards you as a couple. Be sure both of you are prepared to soldier on alone. It is VERY TOUGH finding confidants who can understand what the two of you are going through. This board is my lifeline.
If I were you, I would strongly reconsider committing to this woman if you plan on having a family some day. Would you want to risk raising a child only to have it permanently lost to you either through death (abstain blood) or doctrine (shun you because you are not spiritual enough).
Is there any way we can marry and still keep our individual faith's
G'day saddler,
Elope, seriously - If at all possible do it. The only way I see for your love's head to clear will be if she has a decent break from her relenless regime of meetings, meetings and more meetings.
I was a Methodist till about 8 years of age and have memories of being a part of what the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society call "Babylon the Great" the "that Idolotrous Harlot Christendom." good luck.
Here is a web site by Steve Hassan which might help. Steve is the author of "Combatting Cult Mind Control"
There have been cases of JWs being told from "higher ups" in the organization that to marry outside the JWs, they may as well kiss a corpse. They are supposed to feel repulsed by the idea of having a relationship with non-JWs. To them, you're as good as dead unless you convert to the JWs.
Make sure your sweetheart doesn't have an ulterior motive to convert you to the JWs.
Big Tex
so im asking people who might know or be able to help Is there any way we can marry and still keep our individual faith's
Anything is possible. There are several factors working against you however.
(1) They consider it to be a sin against Jehovah to marry outside their religion. Therefore she will put quite a bit of pressure on you to at least study and/or get baptized. It is possible this pressure may not stop.
(2) For a Witness to leave their religion and join another is considered apostacy and apostacy is considered the absolute worst thing a Witness can do. An apostate, or ex-Witness, is taught to be dead before Jehovah and is considered to be worse than a pedophile.
(3) Celebrating holidays will be difficult if not impossible as Witnesses are taught to never celebrate Christmas, birthdays, etc.
(4) If you ever decide to have children, she will be oblitgated to raise them in the Witness faith, which means no holiday celebrations, no flag salute at school, no playing school sports, going door-to-door selling their literature every weekend and so on.
I've known couples that have made it work. It is possible, but very difficult. I left 17 years ago; my wife didn't leave until just 4 years ago. Those intervening years were difficult on us. I never felt as close to her as I did before as this religious sect was between us. Through guilt, she often pressured me to attend meetings or conventions. Thankfully she finally left but in all honesty it was not an ideal situation.
Best of luck to you.