JoinedTopics Started by CPiolo
Bethel respond to this!
by ISP inwitnesses abstain from blood, right.....cool.
but] they will eat blood that is contained in meat i.e.
steak etc.
Now this explains a lot
by wasasister infor those of you who still have questions about why the universe is as it is: http://www.theonion.com/onion3716/god_diagnosed_bipolar.html
Was It Too Much For My Dub In The Pub?
by Englishman inevenin' all,.
i'm feeling a little disappointed with my jw pal, the dub in the pub.. we were having a good conversation over a few beers, and i actually got him to admit that he couldn't see the connection between the parable about the fds and the 144,000 any more than i could.. yes, yes, yes!
i thought, now we're talking!
Doubting the story of Exodus
by CPiolo infor those interested the los angeles times ran a story about recent archaelogical finds supporting the notion that the story of exodus is, for the most part, a legend, and how a rabbi shared this information with his congregation for the first time, even though religious scholars have known this for 10-15 years or so.
of course, there is no consensus.. the story can be found here: .
Pass the red wine for me
by wasasister intonight, i would have attended the memorial, if my witness daughter had asked me to go.
during the two previous yearly occasions, i was inactive, but i went with her because it seemed to mean a great deal to her.
she has either given up on me, or the event does not mean what it once did to her.. i was thinking about another memorial, one i would rather celebrate.
Just looking for answers.
by Texasbred inunfortunately, i'm not quite sure what my questions are.
my first post was in the "dating..." forum, if anyone's interested.. the biggest problem i have is my complete ignorance concerning jw's and their beliefs/ practices.
the research i've done has provided only polar opposite views, either jw is the way or it's a cult and it's wrong.
Bad Defensive Arguments
by AlanF ina bozo calling itself "shiningone" recently posted on the h2o board some typically bad arguments supposedly defending the bible.
i posted a rebuttal to a number of specific points, which is reproduced below.
guess what the response was.. those familiar with jw teaching will recognize some of the bad defensive arguments.. <hr>.
Hey! Wait a Second!!!
by SixofNine insomething just hit me.. you know how witnesses love to remind you that the early christian congregations had problems, sometimes even big problems, whenever modern day problems and inconsistancies are brought to their attention?.
as much as my gut and heart hate the glibness and triteness of that, it is difficult to argue against.
but i just thought of a key difference.
Hello All (another newbie)
by CPiolo inhi gang:.
just thought i'd say hello (another h2o alumni).
i posted a brief background in pricsilla's thread in the "sex" forum.. cheers,.
Hello...Hello...Hello (cont) #3
by Prisca inwell someone had to do it, so it might as well be prim & proper prisca to do the honors in the sex forum...... .
this thread is for all newbies to introduce yourselves.
whatever you feel happy to reveal about yourself.