((((( Amazing )))))
Your posts and especially your story of how you got your family out have been very encouraging to me. I look forward to hearing what you have to say with an open mind and open heart. I wish you a speedy recovery.
life is tough regardless of whether we were ever jws.
my own life has taken some twists and turns i did not expect or like ... and i have to focus all my attention now on getting my badly needed open-heart surgery or face death in about six months ... so in the next couple of days, i am making the last of three posts for a while ... then all my efforts will be aimed at getting better, and facing some issues in my life and making the best decisions possible for me and my family.
i decided to limit many activities because i tend to do too much and neglect some things that i should not ... this is not a good-bye post, but more of a long vacation post.
((((( Amazing )))))
Your posts and especially your story of how you got your family out have been very encouraging to me. I look forward to hearing what you have to say with an open mind and open heart. I wish you a speedy recovery.
after reading metatron's latest post, the light bulb in my little brain just lit up!.
there are no older jw subjects worth discussing nor worth debating.
all of those discussions and debates are readily available either here or elsewhere on the internet.
Moe, you're not all fluff, you've been pretty deep lately as a matter of fact.
Well that is until you ran STARK RAVING NAKED through the board.
i'm only to page 130 - so perhaps my questions will be answered further down the line, but i don't want to wait to get to the end of the book!!!.
why were neither n. knorr nor f.franz reproved for their obvious vocal dissension with the governing body?
if any r/f member had acted the way they had, they would have been df'd.
Really as you should see in the book, all the power was in the hands of Knorr and Franz, plus they had a following on the body with guys like Henchel and Jaracz who acted as their political strongmen with the rest of the body. The rest of the Governing body really didn't have the power that it has had up until recently, when they split the corporations up, which is an entirely different story.
do you ever wonder if your wife / husband?
is my wife here?
I already got you beat, I've been playing all of the men on this site already
what a performance ... especially the bit where she 'choked the tears back' talking about her son.
remember what her father was?
an actor.
I would just like to say that the Teletubbies are the yummiest television show!
appeal for a meeting to the presidents of the czech and slovak republic .
in may 2000 the cosmic people of light powers appealed to the presidents of the czech and slovak republic for a personal meeting on any airport or bigger grass tract.
cosmic people did not specify any limiting conditions.
You women are so insensitive! Do you know the kinds of back problems that you develop from carrying around 20 inches of man-flesh every day? God, if you females only could walk a mile in OUR shoes.
when i decided to stop going meetings, i text sister who was a good friend, and told her that i wasnt continuing with meetings and the reason why, because of child abuse policy etc.
i asked her if she would like to stay in touch.
she said that even though she agreed with me, she's 'not one to keep in contact, and i'm not one to judge either'.
It is because their love does not originate within themselves, but is something that is cold, mechanical and directed for them to do from the platform and publications. These people don't know the true meaning of love because they have replaced natural human affection for an artificial belief system.
if a great change is difficult to quantify, it can pass unnoticed.
the greatest defeat.
the watchtower has suffered to date falls into this category.
Metatron, I never really thought of it that way. You're right though, they did strip anything that was already fun out of the religion. I am referring to the food service which was actually a nice break from the Convention and it allowed me to meet and talk to people I would probably never have gotten to know.
jw kids = "children of the corn".
growing up as a j-dub, i have seen all of the special treatment most jw kids and elders kids recieved in general.
while, no you were not allowed to celebrate holidays, etc, being a jw child meant you could do no wrong.
Id have to say that in my experience, it varied from case to case. I knew some elder's kids that got away with murder and some who were so jumpy they would go crying to their dad if they dared to say something like "hell". Got in trouble for seeing a rated R movie with my friend because he just had to tell his dad. By the way he was 19, I was 20 and a MS at the time. Did not appreciate being talked to by the PO.
Basically though I did see a lot of "double-lifing" going on with almost all JW kids I knew growing up. When they were away from their parents they were totally "worldly". There was even this entire section at our district conventions that was a notorious hangouit for all the young JW's to flirt with each other and so forth. It was all such a freaking lie. No wonder when I got out most of the kids I knew growing up no longer attended meetings. There is a huge age gap at the kingdom hall, you will usually not find very many between 18-30 anymore.
appeal for a meeting to the presidents of the czech and slovak republic .
in may 2000 the cosmic people of light powers appealed to the presidents of the czech and slovak republic for a personal meeting on any airport or bigger grass tract.
cosmic people did not specify any limiting conditions.
Joanna, your spaceship has arrived