he said the bush administration has been "pushed by zionists and interest-seekers to play a role of wild and destructive instincts instead of the civilized behavior that is expected in this age.".
What you are not asking is if Saddam gives a shit about the children in Iraq . Everyone wants to blame the US, but never looks at the actual leader of the country and says, "there's your culprit, there's your problem". Saddam has led his people down the path of poverty and death. If they had a true, free democracy we wouldn't be having this conversation. But he has oppressed his own people, killed off or exiled the bright minds and ignored the international community. He allowes his people to be impoverished so as to garner international sympathy and to cover his ass.
Edited by - RandomTask on 17 January 2003 17:17:18
he said the bush administration has been "pushed by zionists and interest-seekers to play a role of wild and destructive instincts instead of the civilized behavior that is expected in this age.".
And giving money or aid to Iraq to "help these people" would only empower Saddam and would not really go to feed starving children, but strengthen Saddam's power. What can we learn from history?
In the early 90's the Americans tried to appease North Korea who threatened to build nukes and "rain down fire" (sound familiar) on the U.S. and its allies unless they recieved aid. So the U.S. helped North Korea, supplied it with money and fuel, which went right into their military in exchange for them not developing nukes. Well here we are about 10 years later and they're doing the same thing again, trying to hold the world hostage so that they can "shakedown" some more money from our pockets. Of course they are going back on promises they made and documents they signed, but what do you expect from a terrorist nation? Promisies and honor and civility mean nothing to these governments and to expect them to deal that way is folly.
Saddam lets his people starve because it makes shortsighted people blame the U.S. How many palaces does Saddam live in? He has the ability to take care of the people of Iraq, but he uses them as pawns to gain sympathy. Is there any more clear definition of evil?
Saddam has signed agreements to disarm and allow inspectors into the country. He went back on those agreements. We see now that he still has the capability to launch chemical and biological WMD, even though he said he didn't. Saddam is the one who is playing games with the international community, Saddam is the one who wants to develop and launch WMD on his neighbors. Saddam is a threat to world security. Saddam is an evil dictator. We need to deal with him now, while he is still relatively weak and while the situation is still developing. We tried containment in 91 and it didn't work.
Edited by - RandomTask on 17 January 2003 12:28:59
i don't know if this has been posted recently but... .
i was just talking to a friend (a ms jw) that told me that he was told by the elders on a talk he was about to give that according to their last elders school there are instructions not to use the terms "the watchtower society" or "the society" or "the organization" anymore... but rather to now always use "the faithful and discreet slave" or "the slave"... .
I think they will be moving to apply the term "slave" to non-anointed ones in the future, therebygetting them out of the anoire dying binThis will have to be accompanied by a new "understanding" that the anointed will die off before armageddon.
Thier new light "dogma" has always been just a way for them do deal with reality when it hits them squarely in the face. It has nothing to do with "god's holy spirit" which should be obvious to any with an open mind. I think I realized this while I was still "in" and they made the generation change
Remember also that if an inactive one re-activates then that is counted as an increase because they werent being counted when they were inactive, then when they become active again, its like a whole new publisher even though they have been counted before. I think that 9/11 got some inactives feeling scared and they may have come back for awhile. I don't think it will last though.
I;m sorry, Aztec, I am just unable to reply at this time. I just can't get over the fact that you actually asked for a mullet when you were a kid. I'll get over this, just need some time.
No actually, I think martial arts are a good channel for kids to use up a lot of energy and also learn focus.
this blood issu is not so easy, we have our meeting last week about this, i ask the elder why he dont tell about his major components, and that we can take evry singel compponent how is taken out from this 4 major ones,he say this was so complicated, and think peopel have to read themselfs in wt 2000. .
i can say this, i think it is good that gb done this to a thing between you and the lord, perhaps evrything about the blood should be a conciens matter between us and the lord.
on the other hand, i saw on sweed television yesterday abuot this hepatit c, thing several peopel are going to sue, the state, beaucause they have this decis from bloodtransfusions, and now are waiting to die, they say that a lot of times hospital use this things unessesary, and they have never noen that they hade blood, 900 people only in sweden have hepatit c, i think that if we count how many how are dead in this using or not using blood, we have a much higer accont hwo is dead beaucause they have blood, aids , hepatit c and other, it i sems it is very dangerus to have blood today, and why did we never read about that peopel dying beacause of this, but if one die when they not have blood it is a lot of noice, in sweden i think perhaps we have 2 or 3 how die , when they not have blood, but compare this widh hundreds how die or hade bad things like aids, hepatitc beaucause they have blood ,somthing to think about.
I think thats what they are holding out all hope for instead of changing their policy. But what does the medical profession say about the need for blood transfusions in the future? Is it realistic to expect that they won't be needed? Do the witnesses think that maybe the more pressing problem of frequent blood shortages has led to the medical community wanting to make advancements in bloodless surgery technology? I'm sure that the number of witness patients needing a blood transfusion is quite minimal compared to the amount of patients in general.
we were a very geeky bunch of late 70's-early 80's suburban american white boys in my neighborhood where i grew up.. but my all time favorite one that makes me laugh every time i think about it, was how we rigged up parachutes to our bikes using twine and trash bags.
we would ride down the street as fast as we could, and then let the parachute out, which was tied to the end of our banana seat.
we thought we were cool funny car racers.. another one was inventing a previously unheard of cuss word that we could use around adults while winking at each other and giggling.