Even when they say its up to your conscience, collective pressure and the implied intent of the article or passage will always TELL you what to do. SO then, why are Luaus OK, but not a secular Christmas celebration, or a birthday for that matter? They really don't give good answers to those questions. Of course what gives them the right to "go beyond the things written" and start issuing Dogma like they were the council of bishops or something? If you believe in the God of the bible, or Jesus, the witnesses run in direct opposition to their purpose as stated in the bible.
JoinedPosts by RandomTask
My first post...Questions from Readers 4-08-03
by IWasDuped inhi...this is my first time posting...been lurking and working up my courage to post... .
awake 4-8-03.
"luaus- i read with interest your article, "let's have a hawaiian luau.
My first post...Questions from Readers 4-08-03
by IWasDuped inhi...this is my first time posting...been lurking and working up my courage to post... .
awake 4-8-03.
"luaus- i read with interest your article, "let's have a hawaiian luau.
Post A Message To The Troops
by DakotaRed inregardless of where any stand on the upcoming war, all have said they support the troops.
here is a chance to show that support.
this site is a board strictly for messages to the troops.
I wish to show my support for our troops and their mission, may they be safe, get the job done and thank you for protecting our freedoms.
So which of the JW Teachings did you never buy into?
by berylblue ini have so many, i don't know where to start.
Birthdays are wrong
Picture of where you live
by RAYZORBLADE infor some of us on this forum, we're so far away from one another.
out of curiosity, do any of you have any photos of where you are from, or the communities that you live in?
here's one of toronto.
To those who think the 'left' may be a bit extreme
by RubyTuesday inkudos to the general.
to those who think the 'left' may be a bit extreme in their relentless bashing of those who .
choose to own a gun, this is one of the best comeback lines i have seen in some time.
Interesting UK Daily Mirror Article
by DakotaRed insince some consider the us to be the most dangerous rogue nation currently and others have stated we are little more than corrupt thugs, i find this article from the daily mirror to be quite intersting.. .
tony parsons - uk daily mirror september 11, 2002 no matter what your views on president bush's statement of upcoming war, this is from an english journalist, is very interesting.
no, do more than remember.
Simon, thank you for finally tackling my points head on.
The first point I refer to is that the US gives billions in aid to countries around the world which you followed with the red herring, "people spend more on lipstick". Lipstick has nothing to do with the fact that we give a TON of aid. What are we supposed to do, give more? I counter that no, we should not give more and really the people who are directly responsible for the plight of the third world man are that man's direct leaders. These leaders are often corrupt and use such aid for their own gain all the while stepping on the backs of their people to keep them dependent on foreign aid. I don't think that forein aid is a good idea for the world nor will it eventually cure the worlds ills. Redistribution of wealth has always put the power over so much into too few. Thats simply the way I see it.
Now I don't think we should go around, conquering the world and force these societies to accept democratic government either. But in the case of Iraq, plenty of evidence has been revealed over the last 12 years that Saddam Hussein has developed weapons of mass destruction, that he has used weapons of mass destruction and that he has aided terrorists with money, supplies, technology and training. This represents a threat to the free countries of the west. You say that the weapons inspections are making progress when Iraq first declares that they have no weapons, then when things don't look so good for them, they say "ok, well we have a few missles" and destroy them while they still have others and are making more. Saddam is not dealing in good faith and he is playing a shell game with the UN and the inspectors. Saddam only purpose is to somehow delay action long enough for him to either develop something usable or make it strategically hard for the US to act. He has no intention of disarming, you know it and I know it. He has never dealt in good faith, he has broken numerous agreements and he is an all around bad guy. This again represents a threat to the security of the US, especially in this post September 11 world where we realize that people can and will kill us in our own neighborhoods if given the chance. This does not mean "nuke the world" and the United States under President Bush has not responded as such, but it does mean we need to take prudent action when necessary.
Look Simon, I think you are a good guy, don't get me wrong, but we do have a difference of opinion on this. I did not mean to misrepresent you and I'm sorry for doing so. But call me a Bush "propagandist" if you like, but I prefer to say "supporter", its far far better than supporting the cause of a man like Saddam Hussein which I know you don't.
Interesting UK Daily Mirror Article
by DakotaRed insince some consider the us to be the most dangerous rogue nation currently and others have stated we are little more than corrupt thugs, i find this article from the daily mirror to be quite intersting.. .
tony parsons - uk daily mirror september 11, 2002 no matter what your views on president bush's statement of upcoming war, this is from an english journalist, is very interesting.
no, do more than remember.
First off, you again dodge the point by not acknowledging that the US and other western countries give Billions a year in aid to these countries. Then you defend Saddam and others like him by saying how the US propped him up in the first place. Your heroes the French, German and Russians are actually the ones who are propping up and have propped up Saddam more than the US ever has, no wonder they don't want us going in there, the weapons Saddam would use against us would all be of French and Russian origin. But does that change the fact that he is a despotic tyrant who is a threat to our security? No it does not. The "big picture" as you so well put it is that we need to deal with these threats seriously, not by playing Saddam's fool, as he would like us to do and as he is doing with Hans Blix and the UN, but by taking an active role in removing the threat.
Saddam could use a PR guy like you.
Interesting UK Daily Mirror Article
by DakotaRed insince some consider the us to be the most dangerous rogue nation currently and others have stated we are little more than corrupt thugs, i find this article from the daily mirror to be quite intersting.. .
tony parsons - uk daily mirror september 11, 2002 no matter what your views on president bush's statement of upcoming war, this is from an english journalist, is very interesting.
no, do more than remember.
What grates with many people is that America is quick to dismiss the thousands and millions that die each year, in part because of it's policies. It seems, for instance, that the 2,000 people who died that day are worth much more than the 30,000 foreign children who also died that day ... and every other day since from starvation and preventable disease. What crime did they commit that they should not get the same attention other than die poor and off-camera? It refuses to take part in 'the rest of the world' when it comes to things like climate change / pollution control but expects the world to merrily dance to it's tune when it wants to go to war.
Simon, you again dodge the point. Many accuse America of being a danger when in fact we have been overly subdued.
How many Billions of dollars does America give the rest of the world in just food value alone. I'm not talking foreign aid, which is money given to governments, but in food and medicine and supplies America has given Billions and continues to give Billions year after year. Then even more in foreign aid. But we have seen how the tyrants that rule these poor people, tyrants like Saddam Hussein, misuse the wealth that they have, living in palaces as their people starve in the streets.
Is america perfect? No, but why are people so willing to point the finger at America and not at the very ones responsible for the harsh conditions in these countries, the ones who have a direct ability to try and change things, but rather push their own people farther downward in order to blackmail billions more out of the US. How come there are no demonstrations in the streets against tyrants like Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Il who are keeping their own people down in order to grow their militaries, develop weapons of mass destruction and build their own wealth and power.
September 11 represented a direct threat not only to me as an american, but you too Simon as a Brit and any others who live in a free and democratic society. Its not just that 3000 people died, but that a group of people out there in the world laid down the gauntlet and said, "we want to kill you, every one of you and this is only the beginning". We MUST defend ourselves against such a threat.
Are the GB Members Rich?
by sandy ini remember hearing a long time ago that "apostates" were spreading lies that the governing body members were all rich and had huge extravagant homes.
is there truth to theses stories?
if so, is there evidence?
Is the president "rich"? When you consider his salary relative to what others make then not really. Yet look at the power that the office holds. All fo your needs are taken care of. You get a private jet, a private helicopter. Your own security force, a huge house to live in right next to your huge office. etc...