>After all the rhetoric coming from so many leftists,
>the response to this is very telling.
>Out of only 15 views,not one single person has posted any message
>of support to the troops.
>Yes, you all show such splendid support to the troops,
>just like you did during Vietnam...
Question:Are the troops there voluntarily are are they conscripted?
I guess most if not all are there by their own choice.
If so then I don't see why I should give support to people who when
their so-called superiors say "Jump" ask them "Ok,how high and how far?"
instead of asking "WHY?"
Suppose they gave a war and *nobody* came to fight it?
If people are so willing to die for their country,then I can't stop them,
but asking us to support them in their suicide mission is going too far.
You can view this as more "rhetoric coming from so many leftists" fine with me.
Here's some more "rhetoric":"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it"