11. Other:- All of the above!
Hi Ozzie and Mrs Ozzie, hope you're well.
its been a while, but here we are back again, ready for some weekend fun and other things.
but........to be honest, its more of a real deep and meaningful today, so get yourself settled and ready to think hard and long before giving us your answers.
are ya ready?
11. Other:- All of the above!
Hi Ozzie and Mrs Ozzie, hope you're well.
i'm trying to watch the world cup honestly, but this has to be the most boring game ever invented.
I remember the excitement when Scotland was the only UK team to qualify for the world cup in '78. (can still sing.......we're on the march with Ally's army, we're going to the Argentine. And we'll really shake them up when we win the world cup, cause Scotland are the greatest footba' team!"
Now I've got that feeling all over again in a different country................Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oy, oy, oy!
You've gotta be in it to win it............
so the ski season kicks of this weekend in australia.
i'd love to bump into you if you are..............hehe not literally!
So the ski season kicks of this weekend in Australia. Anyone else going down there? I'd love to bump into you if you are..............hehe not literally!
i know about 2000 jws in sydney, and have 50 that are tax clients, so barely a week goes by without bumping into someone i know.
it seems that few of them realise that i am disfellowshipped because they talk freely to me.
last week i accidently sat next to an elder on the train and we engaged in small talk for over 30 minutes.. should i admit to these people that i am not a jw?.
I think a little "spiritual warfare" is in order. Why should you put your own head on the chopping block?!
Best wishes D
today i re-established contact with an older true - friend who is still a jw.
in the fifty years that he has been baptized he invested a lot of time and effort in helping the needy and elderly, loyally taking up responsibilities in the org as an elder, organizer, speaker and shepherd.
he is still out there as a lowly publisher, tirelessly going from door to door with only his bible.
Agreed, shades of grey..............
The just war theory has merits, but I like the "Jimminy Cricket Theory", (gotta love Walt Disney!)
When you get in trouble and you don't know right from wrong,
give a little whistle!
Give a little whistle!
When you meet temptation and the urge is very strong,
give a little whistle!
Give a little whistle!
Not just a little squeak,
pucker up and blow.
And if your whistle's weak, yell "Juminy Cricket!"
Take the straight and narrow path
and if you start to slide,
give a little whistle!
Give a little whistle!
And always let your conscience be your guide
today i re-established contact with an older true - friend who is still a jw.
in the fifty years that he has been baptized he invested a lot of time and effort in helping the needy and elderly, loyally taking up responsibilities in the org as an elder, organizer, speaker and shepherd.
he is still out there as a lowly publisher, tirelessly going from door to door with only his bible.
I'm glad your friend is still your friend.
True there are aspects of the org's beliefs that are just, fair and make sense...................but on the flip side many more that don't add up.
My lovely, faithful pacifist dad spent six months in prison for his faith over the conscription issue. I have always been proud of him for his stance, but it did affect his life and i think it was a waste.
I think it should be a matter of conscience,
let's face it, the israelites were pretty bloodthirsty in the name of Jah.
the marauding maroons (the king of the north) will tonight decimate the king of the south.
the attacking nature of the north will darken the 'blue' sky.
this will not be the 'end' but merely the beginning of the end.
Bring it on.............
And verily the Northern blood will runneth oe'r the land..........and the streets shall be stained a dark maroon.
though i no longer think like a witness i still think "that is what i would think if i was still a witness".. everytime i see a birthday party or christmas on tv i think "ohh, if i was a jw i would think they were pagan, and not really having fun.".
when i speak to someone at work and they say they got drunk or wasted on the weekend i think "oooh, if i was a jw i would be offended by that, but i don't really care anymore.".
i would much prefer to be able to take life for what it is, not constantly compare what it was with what it is and what i am thinking it will be.. any suggestions on how to erase the ridiculous notions that were drummed into me from birth?
"This too shall pass"
It takes time to undo the brainwashing, but give it time.
I'm learning a Neil Young song - Comes a Time. and the words seem appropriate:-
Comes a time
when you're driftin'
Comes a time
when you settle down
Comes a light
feelin's liftin'
Lift that baby
right up off the ground.
Oh, this old world
keeps spinning round
It's a wonder tall trees
ain't layin' down
There comes a time.
You and I we were captured
We took our souls
and we flew away
We were right
we were giving
That's how we kept
what we gave away.
Oh, this old world
keeps spinning round
It's a wonder tall trees
ain't layin' down
There comes a time.
best wishes
i posted the following on a rock band forum today.
the band in question are (more accurately, "were") a group heavily influenced by paganism, lyrically and instrumentally.
just thought i'd share here: .
Thanks for sharing your story marked. That's why the org is against rock music. stirs emotions and gets people thinking.
glad it worked out for you and your wife.
the marauding maroons (the king of the north) will tonight decimate the king of the south.
the attacking nature of the north will darken the 'blue' sky.
this will not be the 'end' but merely the beginning of the end.
you guys, this is an aussie JOKE!
and another failed prophecy
It was a top match though. Better luck next time Queensland.