i'm reading this whilst listening to tetra's road trip to hell!
hey watchtower!
can you feel it?
that cold, hard knot in your stomach?
i'm reading this whilst listening to tetra's road trip to hell!
left below.
often the father gets forgotten in a situation like this and is left to deal with his hurt in solitutude. Sorry that this has happened especially when you have other issues to work through.
Best wishes D
...apparently i ordered a copy over the internet in a drunken online shopping rage.. .
btw...i am glad i ordered the book...been meaning to read it for awhile.. .
luv, jojo
don't u remember jojo, u also bought beth sarim too!
it's hard to know where to begin, so i'll just... begin.. i had my first encounter with jw in high school when my now ex-husband moved into our small town.
(you're doing the math already, aren't ya?
:) ) after finding out he was a jw, i did a little bit of reading into it, which he discouraged... told me that that stuff is "apostate" (i had no idea what that meant) and that he'd give me stuff to read.
((((rachael)))), thanks for sharing, and welcome.
it's the lack of compassion that makes me sick. Those people judged and disbelieved you in your hour of need.
glad to have you here
when individuals leave the organization for conscience reasons, it is evidence that god is shepherding and protecting the flock by doing a sifting work.
when people leave another christian religion it is evidence that the religion is morally corrupt and unable or unwilling to provide spiritually for their members.
when a christian from another denomination lies, he is acting according to his own disposition being from the father of the lie.
as mentioned in another thread, the watchtower bible & tract society of australia is refusing to give me my personal records, though i believe they are supposed to under the aust privacy act.
they claim to not be under the legislation, which exempts businesses with less than 3 million turnover.
anyway, i purchased their financial report that is lodged with asic to find out what the turnover is ($16million).
reeks of mexico all over again
seems like there's been "bottom of the harbour" dealing!
keep up the good work facts
a number of you read how, last week, i finally told my mother everything about no longer attending meetings.
for those who want to read of it, go here...
follow-up: both my daughter and i received letters from her.
omg, it's so heartbreaking.
i wonder was there a talk on David recently cause my parents came down on the weekend and my mum saw COC on my bookshelf and I jumped at the chance. she read the front and back and skimmed through it, my dad was very quiet through this. Then i asked my dad about the change in national service position, malawi etc. (he went to prison for six months when he was 21 over conscription)
they just said, we know it has faults but so had king david, and what else is closer to the truth
I didn't have the guts to push it further, they came 2 hours drive to visit me and I didn't want to spoil the visit any more.
yeah, i think of my kids, and don't want them to go through what I went through when questioning.
i think it comes down to................"i respect your opinion, please respect mine"
thinking of you (((Confession))), hope it works out for you
i'm trying to figure out how long that i will be obsessed with this board.
i could spend 24/7 on here.
i think that's why i don't clean up the house as much.'s 2.30am............should be in bed, but haven't had time to check the site until now...........
Mrs McDucket..........i know!
also found some interesting stuff on google about internet addiction!
Internet Addiction Disorder is a growing problem. British psychologists have suggested that one in 200 Internet users display symptoms of addiction. People who spend 38 hours or more each week on the Internet - which is not demanded by their work - are likely to be addicted. The warning signs
The signs of Internet addiction are similar to other forms of addiction. If any of the following ring true, you may need help.
Most importantly – is the amount of time you spend on the Internet having a negative effect on your social life and personal relationships, and possibly also your job?
Do you find it difficult to manage your time - perhaps cutting down on sleep, skipping meals and seeing other people less?
Do you ‘sneak’ on-line when you should be doing something else?
Do you need to spend more and more time online to get the same amount of satisfaction?
What about if you can’t get online for a while – do you get withdrawal symptoms? Things like tremors, irritability, anxiety about what you’re missing online, dreaming about the Internet, and possibly even making typing movements with your fingers are all signs of withdrawal.
Are the costs involved putting strain on your finances?
Do others complain and do you deny to them and yourself that you have a problem?
British psychologists have suggested that one in 200 Internet users display symptoms of addiction
I spent time on the net in the past, although never a discussion forum, but never felt so drawn to a site as i do this one. and it seems that more than 1 in 200 posters here have similar feelings.
do the other witnesses with whom you associate/once associated in general know that you are an apostate or have apostate inclinations?
the reason for the phrase "in general" is that it may be the case that one or two close friends know how you feel, but others in general do not.
in my own case, one other witness knows, but no one else, so i would answer the survey question with a "no".
define apostacy.
out 24 years, but never publicly spoken against "the lie"
so i pulled the trigger, and im riding the bullet.
called my mother yesterday and spilled all the beans.
she listened.
The ball's in their court now.
Hope it works out well for you. just remember that your mom will be grieving the loss of her "imagined ideal" for you. It's early days, and she's going to have to work through a whole range of emotions.
Best wishes