If I had combined this site with the meds. and the psych. therapy 10 years ago I would have saved myself many years of misery and ISOLATION.
I enjoy watching people 'come out of the woodwork' here as a subject motivates them to stop lurking and join in.
JoinedPosts by bigmouth
Do you consider posting here as "Therapy" for you?
by JH in.
is this place therapy for you, or just a place to mingle?
Do you have a problem with grammar ?
by oldflame infor those who have spelling problems you can go to google and down load their tool bar.
it has spell check in it and works pretty easy.
then you will no longer have to listen to us that bitch about spelling.
Why do I feel like I'm being baited??
I hate it when everyone makes the funny before me. Grammer! Huh! -
chav nativity
by Ellie inthere's this bird called mary, yeah?
she's a virgin (wossat then?
she's not married or nuffink, but she's got this boyfriend,joe, innit?
Grammar anyone?
by Fatfreek ini posted something earlier today and wasn't real comfortable with my sentence construction.
so here are two sentences for you.
is either not correct?
Getting involved, I am not!
Pete. (of the learned his lesson class. Or is it learnt? Damn!) -
Now That The "Hope" Of Paradise Is Gone-----Now What???
by minimus inare you aimless?
are you happier?
more confused?
I have to mow paradise every 5 or 6 days right now. To me, asphalt is paradise.
"Give thanks to Allah"
by Rado Vleugel inon my site i have the article michael jackson going muslim and building a mosque?
many muslims find my site and make comments like: "please my god help michael to help muslims all over the world with his (gods) money and power" and "masha allah.
its great news islam has shown its reallity one who wants to get into reallity joins muslim world" click here to read the comments on this article.. rado vleugel
If brother Michael becomes a Muslim he's reached a dead end. You can't be a muslim apostate.
by Dune inwho in here is going to college, is planning on going to college or has already graduated (or dropped out :-p) just say what your major is, will be or was.
right now i'm a double major as a comp sci and comp engineering, i may get a minor in afro american studies too.
My wife (one of twelve)( that's her alias smart-arse!) starts a 4 year course in midwifery next month.She was never allowed to be anything but a wife and mother of course!
Me, I have absolutely no idea what I should do with the rest of my life. Suggestions welcome -
The Watchtower Study: The one way to make your views publicly known
by sir82 inas most of us here are aware, the watchtower "study" weekly meeting is no "study" at all.
paragraphs are read, pre-arranged questions are asked, and the "correct" answer is a slight re-wording of the sentences in the paragraph.. however, sometimes (many times?
depending on the congregation), members could use the study as a way to publicly air their opinions on a variety of topics, without fear of interruption (so long as the answer was couched in enough "theocratese").
My wife and I lived on an island and we decided to take the later boat home one Friday so we could catch part of a free outdoor concert in Auckland. Before the main act came on we had to get going. Just after we left there was a riot and shop windows got smashed and the police were abused etc.
Sunday morning and I'm reading the Watchtower and the WT conductor, at some opportune moment, goes into a spiel about how you wouldn't want to be brother who had gone to a rock concert because of the chance of stumbling someone if you got caught up in a riot! Subtle!
Afternote: This elder, after studying with a young couple and their 2 little kids decides to poke the wife and elope to a tropical island. Comes back with their child and gets re-instated! He's the sort of guy who'd be lurking here now. He knows who I am. His darling wife found somebody who cares for her in Oz. -
Did a lot of your health problems clear up after you left the JW?
by Check_Your_Premises ini notice that so many at the hall have these vague, chronic diseases or afflictions that make it hard for them to go to all the meetings or out in regular service.
some get all sorts of sinus problems.
others have chronic fatigue.. did these clear up after you left, indicating that in many instances these were psychosomatic?.
No, my mental health deteriorated for the ten years or so of my fade. It has only started to improve since I began posting here in November. I think it's because I've come to realise that I can take some action and have control over my own life rather than ' huddled in a corner'.
What do you eat most often for lunch and dinner?
by JH ingee, i must eat lasagna about 2 times a week, like i just did now.
i have french fries with just about every meal (lunch and dinner) not fools .
Beer and sandwiches for lunch and beer and anything put in front of me for dinner. But I vary the kinds of beer.
Welcome to the forum lonelysheeps nosy husband.When are you going to post??