For those who have spelling problems you can go to Google and down load their tool bar. It has spell check in it and works pretty easy. Then you will no longer have to listen to us that bitch about spelling.
Do you have a problem with grammar ?
by oldflame 26 Replies latest jw friends
I went to and coudln't find a spells-checker.
I aLwAyS sPeLl pErFeCtLy.
Yes my grammar was a right pain in the ass....she would do nothing but moan and winge and complain about the weather and how it effected her knees.
DB74 -
For those who have spelling problems you can go to Google and down load their tool bar.
By the way, that should be "download".
I just figure all the smart stuff I say will overide my bad spellin
diamondblue, are we cousins? I think we had the same grammar.
Bing cirrus, four a minuet, I am knot sew shore spiel cheek wood solve thee hole grammar eschew. I kin spell rite and steel bee wrung, grammatically.
I have that toolbar. It came when I downloaded Google Earth, which is brilliant - when I have the time to play.
Anybody notice my spelling being better?
I love the Google toolbar!
'AutoFill' is the online shopper's best friend. No more having to type in your name, address, phone number, e-mail, etc. Just hit AutoFill and you're ready to go.
The spell check is part of google tool bar
Beware when u install it though that it does contain a popup blocker and you may have trouble with sites that have legit pop ups unless you turn this feature off.