Yes. The world is crawling with closet Pythons.
Cardinal Bigglesworth
JoinedPosts by bigmouth
Guess the movie script
by sass_my_frass inelder mathias, son of deuteronomy of gath.. mathias [to a guard] do i say yes?.
guard yes.. mathias [to the elder] yes.. elder you have been found guilty by the elders of the town of uttering.
the name of our lord, and so as a blasphemer.... crowd ooooh.. elder are to be stoned.
Opening the door for a dub
by ozziepost ini'm in the habit of opening the door for people - nothing unusual about that, i know, but to me it's plain good manners.
it's a kind of recognition of a person who just passes by fleetingly but, is after all, a fellow traveller on this marvellous orb called earth.. so it was today that after filling up with petrol (gas) at our local service station, i went to the cashier's booth to pay.
as i entered, a man was leaving and i opened the door for him to pass, waiting while he walked through.
Just keep your dignity and humanity Ozzie.
Something about 'heaping fiery coals' comes to mind.
Pete -
My Apology to Lady lee
by unclebruce indear lady lee,
i said some things i shouldn't have the other day and i'm sorry.
a wiser man would have waited till his blood had cooled but i just opened my big mouth and belched forth insults.
Hey! What'd I miss?? It sucks being two hours ahead of Australia.
basic questions
by BYR ini am new to your board.
i am not a member of your church nor am i seeking to become one.
i do have questions from time to time as to your basic beliefs and practices.
Hi byr, many Witnesses would simply never enter a church building, some might. As a professional photographer and a Witness I entered many churches and had no problem doing so in the course of my job.But in the back of my mind I was always afraid I was going to "stumble" someone or a hard-line elder may "suggest" my behaviour was not exemplary.
I have had an elder fill in for me from time to time when I haven't been well.
Hope this is of interest to you. -
What are your most hated JW words and phrases?
by Low-Key Lysmith inmine are, in no particular order:.
"the friends".
"Let's make a special effort to..........."
FHN and Juni, I understand what you're saying. Ignorant parrotting. -
Anyone else miss their record collection?
by free2beme ini was just thinking today about the 1980's and all those records i used to have.
i remember how they skipped through some of the best songs, or warped in the heat on the way home.
how i thought i was some hot property for getting the beloved diamond needle.
Ted Jaracz mystery.
by imfreeimfree inted jaracz mystery.. in another thread willyloman said:ted jaracz was the bethel celebrity on the program.
in a concluding talk, he scolded today's elders for being so preoccupied with entertainment and said, "why in our day, we didn't need entertainment.
" he went on to tell the bothers they should fill their free time by going back and reading all the wts' publications, back to 1919.
The first cong. I was ever in had a clearance sale on old publications! They flogged off anything earlier than 1975 at bargain prices. Not long after that, 1983 I think, the word went out that study was not to be done in anything earlier than 1930's.
BTW, anyone want to buy 87 Truth books real cheap? -
Rock Songs Anyone?
by Wild_Thing in.
name any song ... new or old ... that has the word "rock" in the title or main lyrics.. obvious one: old time rock n roll - bob seger
solid rock Dire Straits
Rockaria E.L.O.
Rockwrok Ultravox
The Hand That Rocks the Cradle The Smiths
Rocksanne The Police
Rocksette Dr Feelgood
Just joking on the last two! -
Going to the Circuit Ass this weekend
by XBEHERE inneed some suggestions on what i can do mentally, or physically if applicable, to pass the time.
i actually thought of having another kid just so i'd have an excuse to walk around and not listen to the crap but of course they dont announce the assemblies 9 mos in advance normally.
any ideas?
take a small water pistol and squirt people quickly before hiding it again. Pretend to sneeze and lightly squirt the person in front of you.
Were you ever ashamed of another JW?
by JH in.
in the field service, i was going door to door with an elder, and he couldn't stop spitting on the ground every now and then..... .
once at a ball park, i saw a 75 year old ms watching a ball game, and he took napkins to wipe his bench because it rained and it was wet, so he wipped his bench and threw all the napkins on the grass instead of walking to the garbage can about 30 feet away...
I was helping a bro to collect some carpet that he was laying at his new house. When in front of several people described the quality as "shit" and other expletives. Everyone knew the people in this company were witnesses.
Obviously he remains a valued "brother", even he and his gorgeous wife appeared in a calendar a few years ago.