Thanks guys for the thought you've put in. I didn't expect so much and the topic took an interesting turn for me.
I need to let you know that I've had some experience in the disability world. Much of my growing up was in a family home that cared for blind teens, the blindness always from birth and due to brain injury or alcohol.
My own life deteriorated with major clinical depression that has meant long months in psychiatric hospitals over many years. As I learnt more about my illness and how to live with it I became open with people about it and that was good for me and most others.
I have since become aware that extreme prejudice still exists toward those with mental illness although it is not considered PC to admit it. For the last year I have kept my illness quiet and found things easier. I notice people will joke to me about mental illness etc. not realising my background. The double standard exists.
People are usually amazed when they find out about me as I know how to function in public but I wish I could get by with being a little more 'real'