Jesus Witness, you damnable fool. Every one took time to post and whine and complain "wah we're not witness's we hate them stupid, so stop proving us correct you're wasting your time" and act like intelligent, cocky, little hard ass's because it makes there ego feel better instead of pointing out that while trying to defend yourself against there pointless comments you showed scriptures that clearly, clearly contradict your first desperate attempt to prove that Jehovah and Jesus are supposedly one and the same, please dear note: 1Peter 1:3 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath given us new birth unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" Okay if Jesus is God than how can he also be his own God and the Father of himself? We were created after God's image, correct? When is the last time you bore yourself unto the world? Idiot, your beliefs are sooooo much more ridiculous than a Witness's, honestly not even remotely comparable. Or how about John 14:2 "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." Silly God Jesus, how fickle it is to refer to yourself as your father.... but oh wait that makes no gramatical sense.... and God is so far above us in intelligence one would think, I mean really far superior. Sort of like how much more intelligent I am than all of you, he is that much more intelligent than I myself am, and honestly I would imagine some one with the intellect of our little Jesus Witness to request being quoted in such a way that would purposely or even (imagine!) mistakenly throw off the very people they supposedly are trying to save. But alas, I don't believe the God you claim to worship is such a fool. So please if you are going to follow the bible, stop listening to your preists that twist every phrase round and round, and use your little beady eyes, and small comprehension, because even some one as mentally disabled as you should still be able to understand CLEARLY and SIMPLY what the bible lays out right in front of you. Which by the way I am not saying is truth. The entire bible, any version, is bullsh*t anymore, but if you are going to follow a belief please atleast have the grace to do so intelligently. Try hunny, try.
JoinedPosts by whylie
by Jesus Witness inhow many true gods are there.
did not like hell or jesus being god and i'm sure quite a few other things too.
after all jesus did say: