Hey... I thought this place was for J.Ws... I'm outta here.
Posts by Cami
why celebrate christmass?
by Cordelia inok so its nearly christmass and i'm thinking of celebrating it for the first time, but i feel alittle wrong in doing so, i know all the witness reasoning of why its wrong and just wondered what your reasons are as to why its right!.
i have a 3 year old little girl and would love to make it nice for her (tho my family would go mad!
) im thinking of getting a baby tree (one that can easily be hidden!
Life sucks and then you die
by troucul inkidnappings, torture, rape-all in a day's work for the local insurgent.
and for the most part, one can do nothing.
the two witness rule laughs in your face as these things happen.
My mother used to say, "Life sucks and then you die!" all the time and I have to say... this is negative thinking. We have to think positive if we're going to succeed in this world.