"mom -- i'm not feeling so good...i think i have a fever...oh no...i have to throw up. i guess i can't go to the meeting. darn! i'm so disappointed...i was really looking forward to the public talk!" (NOT!!!) the above tactic usually backfired though because of course I wasn't sick and after the meeting there was some fun thing I wanted to do but wasn't allowed to because I hadn't gone to the meeting.
JoinedPosts by limbogirl
Say something here, that you'd say in your JW active days
by JH ini'll start:.
hey brother smith, how about if we go preach the good news tomorrow morning, hey?
pick you up at 9
JDubs at the mall and other inventive ways to put in "time"
by limbogirl inhas anyone else seen the jdubs at the shopping mall ??
they sit at a table with all of their wares displayed hoping to lure people away from pottery barn and macy's.
i did a double take when i saw this and then had to stand back and observe for about 20 minutes -- what i observed is that no one stops at the table except what appear to be fellow jdubs.
probably one of the weirdest things I've seen was a couple of years ago at Hearst Castle in San Simeon, CA. At the visitor's center there were two JW women just standing there holding up the mags as tourists were coming and going. No one paid them the slightest bit of attention -- it was sad really. Plus, Hearst Castle is in the middle of nowhere so it must have taken them a drive to get over there for their very productive witnessing. what a waste of time but I'm sure they returned to the kh with stories of how many tourists were more interested in the mags than Hearst Castle.
JDubs at the mall and other inventive ways to put in "time"
by limbogirl inhas anyone else seen the jdubs at the shopping mall ??
they sit at a table with all of their wares displayed hoping to lure people away from pottery barn and macy's.
i did a double take when i saw this and then had to stand back and observe for about 20 minutes -- what i observed is that no one stops at the table except what appear to be fellow jdubs.
Has anyone else seen the Jdubs at the shopping mall ?? They sit at a table with all of their wares displayed hoping to lure people away from Pottery Barn and Macy's. I did a double take when I saw this and then had to stand back and observe for about 20 minutes -- what I observed is that NO ONE stops at the table except what appear to be fellow Jdubs.
I wonder if they count this as time? which then leads me to wonder if some of the other creative ways of putting in time are still being practiced? for example:
on Halloween night there were several in my kh that would count the evening as time because they opened the door to trick or treaters and treated them to an old wt or awake.
knew one woman who literally hand wrote hundreds of letters and then mailed them out to random people in the phone book -- she raked in the hours with that scam.
knew someone else who drove around with wt's and awake's plastered to the car windows and counted it as time.
I was always short on time -- if I could manage 3 hours a month it was a miracle -- I usually padded the report to at least 5 hours to ensure that I didn't get the "lecture" from the elders. I wonder if the org has actuaries or statisticians who looked at the annual report of worldwide time put in preaching and then adjust it accordingly for people like me. prob'ly not as that would be far too intelligent.
Is there any hope of you coming back to Jehovah?
by LeftBehind inmy brother is a self proclaimed apostate.
i see now that there is a wide variety of posters here.
so to those that have left the witnesses what would it take to get you back?
NEVER!!! unless I get to be head of the GB and can change up the rules...I would start by DF'ing all of the current members.
How Do JWs Show They're Hypocrites?
by minimus inone thing that always pissed me off was when "faithful wives" used to blame their "unbelieving husbands" for making them celebrate birthdays, exchange xmas gifts, go to "worldly" get togethers, play the lottery, etc.
there are far too many ways that JWs practice hypocrisy to list them all....actually one of the reasons I had to get out was because I was sick of feeling like a hypocrite and sick of constantly judging everyone around me.
I like myself so much better as a non-JW.
but here are a couple of things that come to mind regarding JWs and hypocrisy from my own personal experience:
many are racist even though claiming that there is no racism within the org.
if DF'ing and all that goes along with it isn't the biggest hypocrisy of them all I don't know what is! there were several times when the wonderful elders DF'd people and then later were also DF'd for similar misdemeanors -- made me sick...how they sit around in judge of one another and ruining people's lives when many of them are covertly doing the same stuff.
What are the first things you notice when you enter a JW home?
by JH ina) you'll find no ash trays.
b) no lottery tickets laying on the counter.
c) a jw calendar in sight for everyone to see.
sitting here on a rainy Thurs morning listening to some Christmas tunes and thanking God that I'm a WORLDLY person! :)
had to respond to this thread...
couple of years ago I was in the market for a photographer. at one studio while flipping through the portfolio I ran across wedding photos of a JW couple. how did I know? they were photographed at home in front of a bookcase filled with those tacky, ugly jw books. remember all of those whacky colors? hot pink, teal, mustard yellow and so forth? anyway, the bookcase in the photo was filled with multiple copies of these hideous books...looked like some freaky library owned by Willie Wonka. I burst out laughing which didn't sit well with the photographer and I couldn't really explain why I found the picture funny.
other things you'll typically see in a jw home....on the kitchen or dining room table a copy of the daily text booklet. lying about in the living room copies of the annual text book which should be called the annual persecution report.
why celebrate christmass?
by Cordelia inok so its nearly christmass and i'm thinking of celebrating it for the first time, but i feel alittle wrong in doing so, i know all the witness reasoning of why its wrong and just wondered what your reasons are as to why its right!.
i have a 3 year old little girl and would love to make it nice for her (tho my family would go mad!
) im thinking of getting a baby tree (one that can easily be hidden!
This will be my second Christmas with a tree and all the trimmings...last year felt weird. I thought it would make me incredibly happy but initially I felt depressed, sad and like I was between two worlds and didn't quite fit into either. I decided to have 2 big christmas parties and throughout the season invited all of my friends over for holiday cheer. this helped immensely as it's the sharing, giving, celebrating that are the best. And can I just say...growing up I always wanted to decorate for the holidays and all of my non-JW friends (the only kind I have now, thank God!) were so impressed with how I decorated considering it was my first full out Christmas. Also, I have a two and a half year old son and this year he helped decorate the tree and we are having the best time! There is nothing religious about the holiday for us -- it's all about celebrating with friends and giving to those in need. There are important lessons that you can teach your little girl during the holiday -- one thing that I do even though it's early in my son's life is emphasize the importance of giving and especially to those in our community who have less than we do. Happy Holidays!!!
Snide Remarks Said in Field Service
by prophecor inever hear such reasoning in casual talk among the friends?
brother or sister so&so finally got it together and took the plunge.
it was a condecending way of saying,
NonJWs does NOT equal "horribly evil" people, much as the WTS would like us to believe this. so true! when I was growing up as a JW I was convinced that any non-JW was a terrible person -- they were all drug addicts, prostitutes, liars, thieves, etc according to the JWs and according to my parents. I have been so pleasantly surprised over the years to learn that the exact opposite is true. Some of the most deceitful, immoral people I've known have been JW's -- but as long as they put in the hours, attend meetings, and practice basic hypocrisy all is well! Sometimes my mom gets on her soapbox and starts telling me some ridiculous story about JW's and how by their upstanding conduct they were able to provide such a wonderful witness that scores of people immediately began flocking to the k.h. This is the garbage that is spewed at the circuit assemblies -- they spend hours patting themselves on the backs and talking about how everyone else is wrong, evil, demonized, and so forth. It just makes me sick. ok, I'm rambling...sorry -- I just get started and can't stop!! :)
Hello Everyone! I'm new to the forum.
by limbogirl ini just found this forum and joined today -- i am so happy that you're all out there sharing your stories and experiences.
growing up jw or just being jw is such a unique experience and can only be shared with people who have been there.
a little about me... i grew up jw -- mom pioneered and dad was an elder.
Hi! I just found this forum and joined today -- I am so happy that you're all out there sharing your stories and experiences. Growing up JW or just being JW is such a unique experience and can only be shared with people who have been there. A little about me... I grew up JW -- mom pioneered and dad was an elder. Older sister dreamt of being a full time pioneer, younger brother dreamt of working on a printing press at Bethel. I dreamt of Christmas presents, Halloween costumes and competitive sports but was far too terrified of being killed at Armaggedon or being disfellowshipped that I never pursued those activities. Ah, the aspirations of JW youth. (at least back in the mid to late 70's) Just about the time the three children were fully brain washed (I believe big sis had even gotten baptized) parents divorced!! AND THEN REMARRIED!! The stories I could tell about that period in my life...so scandalous at the time but now with an adult perspective and having lived in the real world for many many years it all seems so benign. Fast forward to today: Mom -- still fully immersed in JW world Step Dad -- fully immersed and is an elder Dad -- had HUGE falling out with JW's 25 years ago -- I believe he began using logic and they had a problem with that. Older Sister -- left JW's and joined an even whackier bunch -- a story for another day... Little Brother -- turned 12, discovered heavy metal music and the idea of having friends at school and immediately turned his back on working at Bethel. (altho I still give him a hard time about his Bethel dreams :) btw, he's now 34 and one of the greatest "worldly" people I've ever known! Me: Oh, so happy to be out of the craziness of it all -- it's taken many many years and because my mom is still so involved it will always be there to some extent but one thing my brother taught me is that humor is the best cure for all that ails you. Several years ago I was at his house and he was playing the piano -- next thing I knew he was performing his JW lounge-lizard act and turning all of the "kingdom songs" into piano bar tunes. We haven't stopped laughing since! Anyway, sorry for the long post -- just wanted to say Hi and how happy I am to know that I'm not the only one out there who understands lingo like, "the friends", "the truth", "theocratic ministry school", "the new order", "field service", "ministerial servant" and on and on....
Did your parents find you dates?
by Virgogirl inwhen i hit 19, and showed no signs of interest in finding a nice,suitable brother for a marriage mate, suddenly there started appearing a few "eligible" brothers from out of town at our sunday meetings.
even stranger, they seemed to be meeting up with my parernts and sitting with us.
stranger still, they had been invited back to our house for lunch!
the one sane thing my mother did was to discourage the whackos that would come a callin' looking for young single sisters. we were at a "jw sanctioned event" and this weirdo was all over me -- called me the next day but in the meantime my mother discovered he was recently divorced, had two kids and was approx 20 years older than me -- when he called she basically told him to go to hell. well, not really hell since of course that's a non-jw belief but a similar sentiment. anyway, they got into a huge argument and for once my mother's talent of spinning scripture really did the trick -- that poor guy got the bible thumping of his life! thanks, mom!! :) i was always amazed, appalled, horrified at the parents of some of my friends who so badly wanted their daughters married "in the truth" that they would encourage relationships with any misfit that showed up to the k.h. proclaiming to be a brother. some of these guys had really miserable pasts (jail time, alcoholism, major drug problems) but if they knew the right scriptures or put enough time in knocking on doors they were automatically deemed worthy of marriage. this is my first post on this forum and can I just say that I am so happy to no longer be a jw!!!