Thank you and Greetings!
Some of the newer board members/lurkers may not be familiar with some of your work from the past.
Your post history reveals a deep and varied collection of topics.
Hope you and yours are well!
here is the miracle wheat trial transcript..
Thank you and Greetings!
Some of the newer board members/lurkers may not be familiar with some of your work from the past.
Your post history reveals a deep and varied collection of topics.
Hope you and yours are well!
one part of me is petrified of showing this video.
on the one hand my comedy is not very funny yet.
i also have not let people know who i am.. on the other hand this website has been the most important even after attempting suicide.. ladies and gents i give you my stand up comedy routine..
Great job! Follow your dream, man.
You have a very likable and relate-able demeanor which is as important (or more so, perhaps) than "joke-telling skill," which will come, as you note, with time.
Sincere best wishes.
any exjw's or faders out there in mensa?
any online groups for this niche?
David_Jay's explanation is correct. Score is not the qualification; it is percentile.
My grandmother and mother were/are members so I joined after exiting. Chapters vary as they are made of people who vary. While I've done very little with the group (scored some scholarship essays, etc.), I enjoy the publications.
It has never been my experience that Mensans think they're "special" or whatever. It can be difficult to find others with like abilities at times so....the round table makes sense.
Since I have so little to do with the group (other than reading the publications), I often found it difficult to justify the dues so I became a life member.
There are some obviously bright folks on this board and elsewhere. Mensans certainly don't have the "intelligent interaction" market cornered.
in this yahoo answers quesiton jw apologists are trying to give the impression that the watchtower never published any information about parents fondling the genitals of their infants leading to masturbation later on.
the jw apologists claims vary from saying it's not true to accusing the questioner and one ex-jw answerer of not having proof and being untrustworthy with the truth.. i want to provide proof to the contrary but the online library doesn't go have magaizes as far back as 1973 when the article was published.
i think that the best proof would be a screenshot of the watchtower library open to the article with the statement highlighted.
despite everything, i still have a lingering admiration toward those who serve or have served in bethel.
it is not that i believe it is gods organization in any way, shape, or form.
Oculos Aperire wrote "[the Bethel application asked] 'Have you ever smoked Marijuana?' Well I had.. so I never got accepted or even considered."
I also was seduced by the evil weed (and similar evil pursuits), disclosed it on the application, and was accepted. While at Brooklyn, I met many who had similarly been cannabis-corrupted (although not certain whether they disclosed it or not).
Marijuana use (and worse) didn't seem to be a disqualifier.... at least not in the early 1980s and at least not in my case.
not guilty.
the transparent race hustlers haven't been able to make the case, in spite of the biased media like the NYT reporting that GZ is a "white Hispanic."
i was wondering if there were any other ex-bethelites on here.
i personally regularly went for temporary work at brooklyn then was assigned to the farm for a year and a half.
it was... one of the most bizaare experiences of my life.. so i wrote it all down (finally, after some 15 years) so i won't bore anyone on here with the details of the story - because bethel doesn't show up until chapter 15... and for you straight folks, it gets a bit gay in two places... but nothing gross.
Brooklyn 1983 - 1985
does anybody remember the old apostate guy they called mr. coffee?
back in the late 80s when i was at brooklyn he would dress in a suit, have a book bag, and come and stand in front of the 124 bldg or sometimes over by the towers hotel.
he'd easily put in auxillary pioneer hours.
I lived in 124 in the early 1980s and he was getting his time ion regularly.
I remember his rantings about how the JWs worshipped a "blaaaaccccck" god also.
He was a dedicated individual, no more deranged than we were inflicting our views on others at their door....albeit in a slightly less obnoxious (but perhaps less effective?) manner.
Are people reminiscing about your D2D "sermons" from decades ago?
watchtower lawyer says no probing.
ive added a new article to my blog showing a statement one of watchtowers lawyers made to medical researchers about jehovahs witnesses deciding privately to accept transfusion of blood.
i think readers will find his assertion rather surprising; but maybe not.
nice job Marvin!
complete article here:
hello community,.
my name is brett w., and i am senior undergraduate student at the university of florida.
Completed the study.
Would have preferred a “neither agree nor disagree” or some other “neutral” option.
Likert items generally are constructed with those options, or a similar, option.
Good luck!