A few weeks ago a local FakeBook group was discussing the JWs going door-to-door. I joined (albeit a little tardy) with the pedophile information.
This is how some folks in my very rural Connecticut town feel about the JWs:
March 31 at 10:39am
Good morning, today is a beautiful day and brings out sunshine and warmth, and also apparently Jehovah witnesses that ignore your private property and dangerous dog signs in your yard. Just a fair warning .
Puppies and daffodils
But my puppies don’t like uninvited guests on our property, signs are everywhere .
pretty sure trespassers aren’t on Facebook
but people that may want to bring their dogs in if someone comes on their property and ignores their sign might be on Facebook.
My brother's dog got pepper sprayed a few weeks ago by Jehovah's witnesses. Knowing that people are going around town today makes me more aware of what my animals are doing.
thats so messed up!!!
what?????....if anyone comes to my house today I will answer the door and tell them to spray me and see what will happen... I'll make sure they know we are aware of thier abuse of animals
they pepper sprayed one of God's creatures??? Oh the irony! (That's awful, they shouldn't trespass)
I appreciated the heads up on Facebook! Thank you!
that is b.s. if that dog was on his own property.those freaks are trespassing!
This is just so wrong, esp. on Easter Weekend and Passover..I guess it is time to crank Hell's Bells and have it replay. 😉
Or I knew someone that would bring her bible to the door and try to preach to them. Worked every time 🙂
I'm fortunate to never get visitors, because they think I'm the devil. 😁
While I understand it is a requirement for them to spread their word...using pepper spray on an animal when you are on private property UNINVITED is totally wrong .
Not cool @ all !! They better not even think about making a visit :(
When they come, I answer the door naked. Scares the hell out of them.
[NAME] and Everyone.. It seems like the JW usually stop in, uninvited, at some of the most inconvenient times. Several years ago, I politely asked them to remove our address from their Visitors' List. They haven't been back since.
From what I heard from a former co-worker that is a Jehovah's witness, they have to go door-to-door, but if you ask them to not come back they have to respect that.
Sadly some dont. We get many repeaters
Last time they came to my house I asked him if he could come back later cuz I was busy sacrificing a goat.... Haven't heard from them in years lol
Tell them to put you on thier "do not call" list.
You can try to hide, but they'll know. That will just get you on thier "home but hiding" list, and they'll be back.
If they ever met my Boys with Pepper Spray, then they can expect something in kind. I've never met any JW's that were more than respectable, But if they"ve become more intrusive than their past...well I'm, ready.
I wasn't home but heard there were 2 older ladies that came to my house last week...front walk wasn't shoveled so they came right up our back deck....my son very nicely told them we weren't interested, as he held the barking dobie😄
Jehovah's Witnesses have a problem
with pedophiles. In a nutshell, their rules require “two witnesses” to the
abuse so, if a child reports abuse and no one else saw it (very likely, think
about it) then the congregation does zero. I think they have recently started
allowing (in some countries) the victims to report the abuse to the
authorities. Until very recently, the abused would be shunned if they reported
to authorities. This is being investigated all over the world including Canada
and Australia (https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../australian.../...).
Many abusers are listed here: http://www.silentlambs.org/…
not certain if any are in [OUR TOWN] area.
In a recent court case the ‘central pedophile database’ held by the Watchtower
was ordered to be turned over (25K plus names) and Watchtower refused. They
were fined $4K per day). It is a huge problem that they have swept under the
Most Jehovah’s Witness are very nice people. I have family who are JWs. Some,
however, are far from “nice” and they may be knocking at your door offering to
‘study the bible with your children.’
Thank you for sharing that [NAME].
Harboring pedafiles to protect thier organization's reputation is backfiring spectacularly.
Edit: Sorry that it lost the lines between posters. it's fairly obvious and...very mundane but a view on the D2D work.