Sea Breeze-
“I didn't get the sense of "chest pumping" from his bio”
Most will acknowledge that ‘chest-pumping’ is subjective (obviously) so I’ll leave your opinion unaddressed (by me, anyway). If you think his 23 page biography is how professionals or academics present themselves then I encourage you to read more broadly.
Either way, his work should stand on its own merits (regardless of the length of the list of his degrees, memberships, and publications, etc.). I’m guessing he means well and I wish him the best.
I found his work on the JWs “strained” a bit. His work is widely known by those who were reading JW mentions in academic settings when it was published (years ago). I give him credit for starting the “JW Research Journal,” even if it was less than academically rigorous.
I’m happy for you that you have found someone to admire.