Book offer

by StarTrekAngel 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • StarTrekAngel

    Howdy everyone! I've been away for a while. Before I am accused of anything, I only came in here to fulfill a promise I made a couple of years ago. Other than that I would not. This place keeps getting crazier.

    I have a copy of a book that was given to me by a member of this group for free. The only string attached was that I was to pass it forward once I was done with it. The book is "Signs of the Last Days. When?" by Carl Olof Jonsson.

    I also have a copy of "The New Creation" 1925 edition. I need to open a box where I stored it when I moved away from my old house. As I am moving on with my life, I would rather not have reminders of this. Off to better and bigger things. Wife is fully out and has been for some time and we are back to being the happy couple we once were, just older and a tad wealthier. Amazing things happen when your mind is free.

    First come, first serve.

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  • Diogenesister

    Hi Star Trek. I’m interested in reading the book since it’s hard to get (out of print). I too will pass it on when I’m finished reading it.

    id love the old book too

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  • StarTrekAngel

    Please send me a PM with your address.


  • Daniel1557

    Nice to hear that you and your wife are fine.

    And yes.... this is a crazy place.

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  • Diogenesister

    PS I’m so glad your wife woke up. Are you on any other sites? All ex JW sites are crazy in my humble opinion. But I think on this site you can express any opinion you wish....and yes, I agree some of them are boarderline offensive, even. But I don’t think this site is so controlled like reddit is. On reddit only one type of opinion is acceptable. If you express any other you will get a warning and will be literally mobbed. Funnily enough I’m the sort of person who has very Reddit- centric views, but I utterly hate the fact that anyone with other political or religious opinions are silenced there.

    I rarely if ever agree with Simon, but I respect the fact he doesn’t try to silence you if you don’t agree with him. Not to mention this site has an absolute wealth of JW knowledge and information. There’s nothing like it for that!! I also think it’s good for more personal support, if you need it.

    Im glad to hear you are moving on, are happy and financially comfortable. Sadly it’s not something you can take for granted with ex JWs. I hope you stick around, anyway, at least occasionally!!

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  • smiddy3

    If this place is crazy its crazy in a good sense ! While its primarily an ex JW site you have the freedom to comment on any subject you like and voice your view.

    Of course others are going to come up with a different view and sometimes heated discussions occur ? What`s wrong with that ?

    I love this place and i`m damn sure not everyone agrees with what I post , and I sure as hell don`t agree with every other poster .

    And that`s how it should be ,sometimes our views are changed by what other posters say and vice versa.

    Simon and the moderators kudos to you all .


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  • slimboyfat
    It’s an interesting book. It absolutely demolishes the idea that there were more earthquakes following 1914. So much so that Watchtower has apparently abandoned making the claim at altogether.
    I think many see the forum getting crazier. But worse than crazy, it represents an ever narrower spectrum of opinion compared with years ago. Atheism is taken for granted, and attempted discussions of the Bible are ridiculed rather than engaged. It’s sometimes a volatile narrow band of opinion too. Because six months we were told that anyone who said coronavirus was “just like the flu” would be deleted. Now it’s gone almost 180 degrees the other way, you are an alarmist if you say the virus is much worse than the flu.
    JWs and thus former JWs are over represented in black and Hispanic communities, Democratic voters, and people with left leaning political perspective. Which you wouldn’t guess from reading this forum, leading me to suspect that this forum is not very typical of JWs or former JWs in general. People who either believe in God, the Bible, or that the coronavirus remains a huge problem, or don’t support Trump, and are left leaning, tend to keep it to themselves or go elsewhere. The forum becomes ever narrower as a result.
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  • JW_Researcher

    The book is "Signs of the Last Days. When?" by Carl Olof Jonsson.

    There is a PDF (and other formats) available (free) here:

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  • JoenB75

    Well a lot of Americans outside the Hollywood elite love Trump despite the tales the media spins. People that bother to defend the Bible are not visible on this forum, that is hardly anyone elses fault

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  • EdenOne
    JWs and thus former JWs are over represented in black and Hispanic communities, Democratic voters, and people with left leaning political perspective. Which you wouldn’t guess from reading this forum, leading me to suspect that this forum is not very typical of JWs or former JWs in general. People who either believe in God, the Bible, or that the coronavirus remains a huge problem, or don’t support Trump, and are left leaning, tend to keep it to themselves or go elsewhere. The forum becomes ever narrower as a result. - slimboyfat

    My feelings exactly. For the most part I have given up participating in this forum because of the political bickering that quickly contaminates the discussions and the lack of basic respect for believers. While I myself am not a believer anymore (I have come to a mindset that is somewhat a hybrid of atheism / agnosticism / apatheism) and my political leaning is, from a european standpoint, clearly moderate center-right, it just bothered me greatly how narrow-minded, and thus unhelpful, this forum has slowly become. If it weren’t for few contributors still being here, and the priceless heritage trove of information from past years, I wouldn’t even bother to come here now and then to read the “latest”.

    I have no patience for alt-right rethorics, authoritarian eulogy, telling others what they should be thinking (else they’re stupid or unpatriotic or whatnot) and conspiracy theories, really. To me it’s just a repackaging of the old JW mindset, and I can’t stand it. Plus, me, my wife and my son have gone through so much in our lives that we want more distancing from the JW past and anti-JW activism as time goes by. We have made a conscious effort to get more “normal”. I am immensely grateful for what this forum meant in my awakening, but it’s sad to witness the direction it was lead into and that people I used to appreciate here also took a back seat or left altogether for similar reasons, I imagine.

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