Thank you, fokyc, for this and the other scans.
To think I went from having boxes full of unplaced magazines in my closet to scrounging around for a scanned light, I guess.
Your work is appreciated.
if anyone has this in pdf format it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you, fokyc, for this and the other scans.
To think I went from having boxes full of unplaced magazines in my closet to scrounging around for a scanned light, I guess.
Your work is appreciated.
1967 - your word is a lamp to my foot.
this is the book containing the questions for baptism at the time as discussed on this thread :.
Thank you.
here is the link to:.
february 1st 2008 public edition of the watchtower.
Thank you very much !
1905-"in the garden of the lord"--pdf gertrude w. seibert this 1905 november 15th, watch tower is included in the pdf which contain the words to the booklet.
(see last page of pdf.
) "in the garden of the lord" booklet download instructions: click the link by the red arrow at the bottom of the next page.
Nice job, Atlantis !
Thank you for placing the Watchtower reference in the PDF.
the new creation pdf by request!
request from researcher: atlantis, i have found all the volumes of studies in the scriptures in pdf except for one, [the new creation], and i was hoping you might have a copy.
i found one at google books, but they won't let you download it.
Thank you, Atlantis !
1915 our temple--pdf!--black & white 50 page booklet with pictures.
bm=bookmarked s=searchable r=reduced from 22-mb to 10-mb click the (yellow/orange) download button at the bottom left of the next page after the seconds count down to zero. another download link: click the download link by the (red arrow) at the bottom of the next page.
Thank you (again) Atlantis !
(credit goes to cabasilas) 1915 why i reject the "helping hand" of millennial dawn--pdf (author: stevens, william coit) cheers!
Thank you to Cabasilas and Atlantis !
This is a hard-to-locate publication !
1984-centennial-watchtower-edition-pdf (the watchtower celebrates its own birthday) bm=bookmarked s=searchable r=reduced to 15-mb other tidbits: p. 30-- gives directions to russell's grave (and refers to the pyramid there).
p. 28-- speaks favorably of the editorial committee set up by russell in his will.
rutherford abolished the editorial committee and wrote against it.
Thank you, Atlantis !
I was at Bethel for the Centennial and it was a big birthday bash.
1929 "christ's promised return"--pdf--e. c. henninges bm=bookmarked s=searchable r=reduced from 21 to 4.5 mb click the link by the (red arrow) at the bottom of the next page. another download link.
click the (yellow/orange) download button at the bottom left of your screen after the seconds count down to zero.
Thank you very much !
You are a tireless worker(s) !
i don't know if it has been already scanned in pdf, but here is the scan of my own.. booklet of maria russell exposing the treatment of hers by charles taze russell:.
Thank you !