Because some here have had an interest in this topic:
Sceptics welcome BBC report on 'global cooling'
Climate change sceptics have welcomed a "surprise" BBC decision to give prominence to evidence from leading scientists that there could be 30 years of "global cooling".
By Richard Savill
Published: 7:00AM BST 12 Oct 2009
Under the headline `Whatever happened to Global Warming?’, the BBC has reported that the warmest year recorded globally was 1998, and for the last 11 years no increase in global temperatures has been observed.
The report by the BBC climate correspondent, Paul Hudson, which provoked a strong debate on the Corporation’s website, quotes a climatologist as saying there could be 30 years of cooling due to the falling temperatures of the oceans.
Last night, one solar scientist, Piers Corbyn from Weatheraction, a company specialising in long range weather forecasting, said: "It is interesting the BBC is prepared to tolerate him (Hudson) writing these things.
"It is a surprise – a welcome one - that the BBC has put it as bluntly as they have. More often than not they (the BBC) put forward the brainwashing views of CO2-driven, man-made climate change.
"Possibly some people in the BBC have worked out that the whole shooting match will collapse and they had better be ahead of the game."
Mr Corbyn is due to put forward his view that solar charged particles "impact us far more than is currently accepted" to the international scientific community at a conference in London later this month.
He said climate change was a "weapon of mass taxation."
"All the political parties want to use climate change as an excuse to raise taxes," he added. "Also it is a tactic for the Western powers to control the world energy supply."
The BBC report quotes Prof Don Easterbrook from Western Washington University as saying the oceans and global temperatures are correlated.
The oceans have a cycle in which they warm and cool cyclically. The most important is the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO), he added.
He said in the last few years it has been losing its warmth and has recently started to cool down.
"The PDO cool mode has replaced the warm mode in the Pacific Ocean, virtually assuring us of about 30 years of global cooling," Prof Easterbrook was quoted as saying.
Some reader comments on the BBC's website said the broadcaster had made a "U-turn" over its readiness to acknowledge the views of scientists who believe cooling is here to stay.
However the BBC said: "We have always reported a range of views and this article is no different.
"The point the article is making is that views about climate change are hotly contested. To characterise this as some sort of change in position is simply wrong."