Nobody is perfect. I’ll take Trump over the “competition “ any day!
This is, basically, my view. We had to listen to 8 years of how articulate and messiah-like Obama was. The haters should just suck it up while The Orange One does his stuff.
I've moved my exercise time to coincide with his news conferences. Even when he is "reading" and the most boring...he is STILL way better than Hillary and her ilk.
Since, really, there are only two teams... I have to be with The Orange One. The economic growth and reduction in unemployment was nothing short of astounding....and that after the haters predicted Trump would crash the markets.
Orange Man is a loud, obnoxious, opinionated, narcissist. But...he seems to get things done. The seasoning of "not PC" is icing on the cake.
Just my two cents. You may feel differently. :-)