It was announced last night that land has been purchased. The property is located in Orangeburg, SC.
JoinedPosts by FadingAway
Assembly Hall shakedown - Columbia SC
by sir82 infrom someone who attended:.
there was a big elders meeting in columbia sc on saturday june 9.. around 240 congregations, 2000+ elders.. the society wants to build a brand new assembly hall in columbia, sc, to handle the huge influx of jws moving to the us southeast from up north.. they expect to have it done in 34 months (finished by april 2010).
total cost estimated to be approximately $8 - 9 million.. they want to have the whole thing paid for by the time the building is done - no long term loans.. they "strongly suggested" that each of the 240 congregations commit to supporting "their share" of the expense.
Name Certain Things JWs Can't Do
by minimus inhere's one thing to start off our list: jws can't stand for the country's national anthem (but they can rise for the flag salute).
Can not assemble in private groups for bible study.
Name Certain Things JWs Can't Do
by minimus inhere's one thing to start off our list: jws can't stand for the country's national anthem (but they can rise for the flag salute).
Can not enter a church
Been to many a wedding and funerals in churches. Interfaith is what is prohibited.
Name Certain Things JWs Can't Do
by minimus inhere's one thing to start off our list: jws can't stand for the country's national anthem (but they can rise for the flag salute).
Hey BTS, it's more of a divided issue. Elders and MS's I've talked to about it say no. I tell them I just go for the food.
Name Certain Things JWs Can't Do
by minimus inhere's one thing to start off our list: jws can't stand for the country's national anthem (but they can rise for the flag salute).
They can't do yoga.
They can't go to Hooters. -
Going to the convention Sunday with me Jehoover! save me Satan!
by Witness 007 inlast year i missed the convention for the first time in 30 years, no problems.
this year my old non-english congregation is traveling to my new city with my mother and they have heard i'm in-active.
so, i've had tonnes of invites and my mum has asked me to come.
If it makes you feel any better, myself and others attended all 3 days and haven't been kicked of JWD yet. I tried to record the DC so I could post audio of it here, but I couldn't stand it at times and started listening to some worldy music. Closing prayers are much better when you have rap music blasting in your ears.
Exercise Check-In Log
by White Dove inafter loubelle's exercise thread, i thought it would be a fun idea to keep a log here and check in with everyone.. i walked 30 minutes yesterday plus after walked to the police station and the witch store about 3 miles away from the y.. food: .
breakfast: 2 pieces of toast: one with pb and the other with honey, coffee.
lunch: hardboiled egg, ham, cheese stick.
Did nothing this morning. I had a root canal done yesterday. Took 3 tylenol pm's to help me sleep. I will pretty much take today off and hit it hard tomorrow morning.
JWD Awards: And the winner is...
by Princess Daisy Boo infor the poster the uncanny ability to give an apostate take on the fluffiest of threads: wtwizard.
for the most eloquent and enigmatic poster: compound complex.
for the poster who posts the oddest threads: badboy.
Most likely to post on a gay thread: Junction Guy
JWD Awards: And the winner is...
by Princess Daisy Boo infor the poster the uncanny ability to give an apostate take on the fluffiest of threads: wtwizard.
for the most eloquent and enigmatic poster: compound complex.
for the poster who posts the oddest threads: badboy.
Most obnoxious Queen....BFD
Most obnoxious Queen's bitch..... Priest73!!!!!!
JWD Awards: And the winner is...
by Princess Daisy Boo infor the poster the uncanny ability to give an apostate take on the fluffiest of threads: wtwizard.
for the most eloquent and enigmatic poster: compound complex.
for the poster who posts the oddest threads: badboy.
Award for acting like a 300 pound baby after his root canal.....Fading Away!!!!!!!!