Unclepenn, I think you missed the point I was trying to make.
You said:
He has given us freewill and we decide to choose God or reject Him. Are you not pleased with the fact that God gave you freewill and didn't make you like a chatty Kathy doll, when you pull the string you would say "I love you Lord".
What I said (and as Leander also pointed out), is that we
don't really have free will because (according to the bible) there's only one way to get eternal life, and that's by worshipping God. The alternative to not worshipping God (eternal destruction) is too undesirable to be really considered a chioce. If I offered you two cars, one functioning but not to your liking, and one that's more desirable but would result in your death if I sat in it, and I asked you to choose, it's your "free will", have I really given you a choice? Of course not, because one choice isn't even viable, and because of this I actually must choose the car I didn't like. If God truly gave us a "free will" choice to worship him or not, there would be no punishment for not worshipping him.
You also said:
The guys in the Taliban chose to crash into the World Trade Center. They knew in their hearts it was wrong, just like you know it is wrong to sleep with your friends wife behind his back.
For a second there, I thought you were accusing me of the latter
First up, the Taliban didn't crash into the WTC, they simply allowed the leader of the terrorists to hold the training camps in their country. Al-Queda and those other groups were responsible for actually crashing into the towers (and no, I'm definitely not being pro-Taliban, I think they're terrible too, just wanted to clear up a technical point )
Secondly, the terrorist did genuinely believe that what they were doing was acceptable to God. They were performing jihad, which is a moral obligation of all Muslims. Mainstream Islam does not condone what the terrorist did because to most Muslims it wasn't actually jihad to them, just plain terrorism. However, if most Muslims had accepted what these guys did as genuine jihad, then they would have felt no moral qualms against it. (Jihad has to do with a Muslim defending his faith, which 99% of the time does not involve killing, as this can only be done in self defense and without murdering innocents. The terrorist viewed Islam as being under attack, and all Americans as guilty. To an unbiased person this is total B.S., but in their minds they were absolutely certain that what they did was right).
You chose two examples of events that would be thought of as wrong by many people regardless of whether they believed in the bible or not. [b]Without any bible influence{/b] billions of people would view the WTC thing as wrong, because hurting innocent people is wrong. Any two bit holy book teaches this principle, society cannot function properly if this rule is violated, so you can't say that the bible is the only reason why people observe this rule.
Your second example is more of a subjective thing. The principle of whether sleeping with my friends wife is right or wrong depends on whether anyone gets hurt. If for example, they're swingers, clearly my sleeping with my friends wife probably wouldn't cause hurt to him or his wife. However, if they're more stringent with their sexual beliefs and such an act on my part would cause harm to my friend, then I obviously shouldn't do it.
You have the choice and you control your destiny. What is so bad about that?
Because it actually isn't a chioce, since there's only one answer.
"Chicken or fish?" entree choice at a wedding is a choice "Chicken or
poisioned fish" isn't.
Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!