JoinedPosts by crownboy
Ugly child
by Iwasyoungonce inafter having two beautiful daughters a couple decided to have one last try for a son.
nine months later out came a little baby boy.
but the father was disappointed.
Who still goes to meetings?
by christopherceo injust a curious question to see what types of stories i get.
let's hear how you do it.
Can't avoid them completely, being in a house with JW parents and all .
I used to be a once a weeker, now I'm close to being a once a monther. I've only attended one bookstudy and one Sunday meeting this month; hopefully I can keep up the good work .
Hell, right now I'm missing meeting by posting at this computer from school. One of the college courses I had today was on human evolution. I used to read the magazines regularly to pick up on the latest ridiculous point, but nowadays I just don't care anymore and just wish I could be 100% free (though the last magazine I did read had an "interesting" article on rape). But, alas, my parents help me with my school tuition, not to mention my room and board, so I'm not about to screw that up with only a crappy part time job to fall back on. Once I graduate, though, it should be different.
Super Bowl Predictions
by WildTurkey in.
im a huge cowboy fan but i dont think they will make it to the super bowl, damn sure would love to be wrong.
ok here is who i think as of right now pittsburgh stealers and san francisco 49ers and god i hate them both, well thats my pick how about you?
Well, I guess I was right. The Raiders just got killed, I certainly was not expecting the result to be that lopsided.
I know Penn and Teller couldn't possibly have known the final score of the Super Bowl, and they probably didn't know who Dexter Jackson was before the game ended, so they certainly didn't know he was going to be the MVP. I think the little old lady was in on the magic trick, provided that nothing really happened to that jar of pickles as they said.
My favourite commerical was the Budweiser one spoofing the replay system with the zebra and horses. The Micheal Jordan commercial was good too, but I had already seen it before the Super Bowl, though.
I knew the Vikings was the answer to your question, Heaven, and I can one up your second question.
Raiders QB's: (note: I haven't checked any of these answers)
Rich Gannon
(something)Tuiasospo(sp?), or more easily, the guy who used to be the QB for the University of Washington
Bobby Hoying
Bucs QB's:
Brad Johnson
Rob Johnson
Shaun King
WildTurkey, Gannon definitely did not throw a pass to Randy Moss, but Brad Johnson started the first couple of games for the Vikings during Randy Moss' rookie year (before loosing his QB job to Randall Cunningham), so I'm pretty sure he threw at least one pass to Randy. Hell, Jay Fiedler was the third string QB on the team that year and completed a pass (the first of his pro career) to Randy Moss and he certainly didn't get a lot of time that year.
How do you define spirituality?
by Sunchild init's a general question for anyone, and it's a very personal one that requires personal answers.
i'm not asking what the bible says, what science says, what the dictionary says, or what your mother says.
i'm asking how you, as an individual with your own ideas, feelings and perceptions, conceptualize spirituality.
Great thread.
Spirtuality for me is having a genuine feeling of connectedness to nature, culture and other humans (and animals, of course). You don't need a god for that, just an appreciation for life and the things on earth.
NFL Playoffs: Week-By-Week Predictions
by Funchback inso, here are my first round playoff predictions (as if any of you!
colts 23, jets 15 (the jets had their super bowl vs. the packers).
packers 21, falcons 17 (i have a hunch that atlanta may pull the upset but you can't root against the pack at lambeau).
Well, well, looks like I should replace Jimmy Kimmel on Fox come this fall.
For my Super Bowl pick, I'm going:
Bucs over Raiders.
Sure it's crazy; sure Oakland is the better team than Tampa, but I can't pick the Raiders to win the Super Bowl after the beat the Jets earlier (it's bad enough I picked them over Tennesse ).
If I'm wrong, Rich Gannon will win the Super Bowl MVP award. If I'm correct, my Super Bowl MVP pick is former NY Jets player Keyshawn Johnson. Can't wait for the game to play.
(Miller Lite should have saved their "great taste, less filling" commercial with the two amply buxomed women for this Super Bowl. It's damn hilarious, IMO)
Super Bowl Predictions
by WildTurkey in.
im a huge cowboy fan but i dont think they will make it to the super bowl, damn sure would love to be wrong.
ok here is who i think as of right now pittsburgh stealers and san francisco 49ers and god i hate them both, well thats my pick how about you?
An all pirate Super Bowl between the Bucs and Raiders .
As much as I don't want to choose them, I'll concede that Oakland is the better team and they should win the Super Bowl (but I'm still "offically" going with Tampa Bay). But if I'm not mistaken, St. Louis was a double digit favourite last year, and they did loose (though barely so).
Unless you're a big fan of the Pro Bowl, I guess the football season ends come Sunday.
I knew the Eagles were going to loose to the Bucs. For a team that isn't that talented on offense, and not as talented as the Bucs on defense, they seemed to be a little too comfortable with their supposed "home field advantage", and treated the Bucs like they weren't that big a deal. The Falcons almost beat the Eagles, so they should have known better. The Eagles were like the Chicago Bears team they beat last year in the playoffs; sure their record was good, but it was due to over achievement.
Edited by - crownboy on 22 January 2003 18:6:10
by DevonMcBride in
.. scroll down to coughlin v. jehovah's witness and watchtower bible and tract society of new york.
joel's practice includes products liability, employer liability, civil rights, automobile accidents, air crash cases, commercial litigation and claims against insurance companies.
I had the same thoughts about the case that you did, waiting. I wish there was more information presented than what was given.
Hope Jourles gets a reply.
What is Race?
by Marcos in.
is race really a valid concept or is it more of an arbitrary distinction based more on skin tone and/or culture?
marcos (open to learning)
PPronunciation Key (rs)
n.1.A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical
2.A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distribution: the German
3.A genealogical line; a lineage.
4.Humans considered as a group.
a.An interbreeding, usually geographically isolated population of organisms differing from other populations of the same species in
the frequency of hereditary traits. A race that has been given formal taxonomic recognition is known as a subspecies.
b.A breed or strain, as of domestic animals.
6.A distinguishing or characteristic quality, such as the flavor of a wine.There is very little genetic variance between races. Aside from the obvious phenotypical differences that arised out of environmental pressures, there isn't much that distinguishes one human from another.
The fact that all the human races can interbreed with one another is a sign of just how short of time the "races" have devolped apart from one another. We share close to 99% of our genes with the great apes; but this is still enough variance to preclude mating, as well as to establish very profound differences between us. I think I've read somewhere that there is less gene variance between humans than there is between between members of most other species. Of course, these facts haven't discouraged some from trying to create their own differences between races, one of the more hot button issues being "intelligence". However, studies showing inherant racial superiorities in this area have been questionable at best and highly spurrious at worst. I don't doubt that intelligence is hertiable to a certain extent, but IMO there isn't much reason to believe that intelligence is a highly heritable racial quality.
I enjoyed both of your posts, Marcos. Very insightful.
Edited by - crownboy on 16 January 2003 19:8:43
by nightwarrior inthere i was sitting down thinking about nothing then a lump appeared in my trousers,ow no i mouthed no,.
just then i heard in the distance a brother say and now the song number will be ???????
i was in agony, no no i pleaded with myself nice thoughts nice thoughts,i squeezed him but he wouldnot go down, i pinched my hands and still no luck,everyone else was watching me ,as i was the only one sitting with my hands claspedacross my lap,.
Simon, that thought is just plain depressing.
I've never had such an "experience" at a time as inopportune as standing for a song or prayer, so for me it simply went unnoticed by the people around me.
For those who don't believe in God
by freedom96 inwhen we were witnesses, we certainly believed in god.
some of us were born into it, and others have perhaps come from other religions, while still others may never had any religious faith at all.
some here on the board now claim that there is no god at all.
A review of The Case For Christ: