You got the job by the grace of god, elsewhere .
Seriously though, congratulations.
i just recieved an email from a company that i interviewed with last week and was told that i was selected as the candidate they want to hire!
they will be sending me a formal job offer monday.
i have been doing contract/consulting work for about four years and i am soooooo tired of it.
You got the job by the grace of god, elsewhere .
Seriously though, congratulations.
our daughter in law, tracey, who was never a jw, is a hair stylist.
i went to the place she works for a haircut the other day, and was telling her about the big party at joy and steve's last month.
we talked about a lot of things about the party, and then she said this:.
My current non-belief in Christanity has nothing to do with "bitterness", or my JW experience (an experience which quite frankly was not as bad as many here have had; just mainly boredom and unfullfilment), but I do credit the experience with helping me to be more critical about what I believe, which has led me to my current state of knowledge.
think that horror movies is making a huge comeback??
there hasn't been much of horror movies in the 1990s since the popular horror movie franchise was around in the 30s on up until the 1980s, then it has pretty much dropped out of sight throughout the 1990s.
since jason vs. freddy, seems that young and old alike wants more, so here's another one out due soon... .
But over all the movie was ok??
Yeah, overall I liked it. It had a different less "horor movie scripted" feel for the most part, but thankfully they kept in the obligatory nudity (though at one point it's not so good ).
think that horror movies is making a huge comeback??
there hasn't been much of horror movies in the 1990s since the popular horror movie franchise was around in the 30s on up until the 1980s, then it has pretty much dropped out of sight throughout the 1990s.
since jason vs. freddy, seems that young and old alike wants more, so here's another one out due soon... .
Cabin Fever had a really stupid ending, IMO.
i took last new years.
somehow i don't think i would have taken this picture as a witness, lol.. feel free to pass it around today if you like..
Nice pic, Six.
I too have heard of this lawsuit, and I find it to be wrong. I have no problem with the cross at the memeorial, and I'm sure most non- Christains don't either.
washington, sept. 17 president bush said wednesday that there was no evidence that former iraqi president saddam hussein was involved in the sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, disputing an impression that critics say the administration tried to foster to justify the war against iraq.
theres no question that saddam hussein had al-qaida ties, the president said.
but he also said, weve had no evidence that saddam hussein was involved with september the 11th.. the presidents comment was the administrations firmest assertion that there was no proven link between saddam and sept. 11. it came after vice president dick cheney clouded the issue sunday by saying, its not surprising people make that connection.. speaking on nbcs meet the press, cheney also repeated an allegation, doubted by many in the intelligence community, that mohamed atta, the lead sept. 11 attacker, met with a senior iraqi intelligence official in prague in the czech republic five months before sept. 11, 2001.. weve never been able to develop any more of that yet, either in terms of confirming it or discrediting it, cheney said sunday.
I agree with your first post, Six. That 70% number should have suprised me, but I've grown used to the American public being generally ignorant on any issues international.
Most people probably figured Saddam=Arab=AlQueda=Sept. 11=let's get him!!!! Even the supposed other "Al Queda connections" are based on extremely questionable evidence (the supposed Mohamed Atta meeting with an Iraqi intelliegence officer that has never come close to being confirmed, and of course the Iraqi terrorist group that has some weak Al Queda connection. Forget the fact that the group is located and affiliated with the Kurdish territory that was not under Saddam's control. Also ignore Al-Queda's and Saddam's differing goals and acrimonious history. They're both Arabs and both kill people, and that's good enough ).
I guess the situation just got a little too embarrassing for Bush, just like when he lied about the forged Niger documents and had to eventually apologize after the "George Tenet as fall guy" plan didn't pan out.
this will be interesting to watch as it develops..... groups fear new bill.
by kathleen harris - sun media.
ottawa -- mps face another political hot potato today with a vote on a controversial bill religious groups fear will outlaw the bible.
I guess the Christains missed this part of Uzzah's post:
But NDP MP Svend Robinson, the sponsor of C-250, accused Christian lobby groups of "fearmongering" and said an amendment from Liberal MP Derek Lee explicitly protects the expression of opinion based on religious text.
I'm very liberal, and very big on free speech, and this is indeed an area in which some liberals can be hyprocritical (though conservatives go overboard here more times than not). I'm opposed to the banning of any speech, but even if so, in this bill Christain hate speech is still being protected, so not to worry .
ever heard of nambla?
this is an organization that promotes man-boy love, with support groups, and magazines and books supporting the subject.. and the aclu has gone to bat for these guys.
pro bono, backing their rights to this sick group.
can you think of one conservative cause undertaken by the ACLU? Just one?
I myself am one of those dreaded "card carrying ACLU members", and I tend to agree with their stances most of the times (and I'm not even Communist ). I'm not happy with the fact that they are defending NAMBLA, however, they are not defending NAMBLA's "right to molest children", they are defending the right to free speech of people to talk about controversial, even noxious things:
In other words they are defending priniciples here. It's like when a Libertarian defends free market principles to the point that it will bring very negative effects on poor people. I find those views to be noxious, but I don't think it should be illegal, nor do I think Libertarians want to see the poor suffer. ACLU does not support "man/boy love", just the right to talk about it, and for NAMBLA not to be held accountable for the acts of one person.
As I said before, I don't support the goals of NAMBLA, so I'm not happy with the ACLU defending the group on that ground, but admittedly, the principle in play here they are defending is very compelling (should NAMBLA really be held responsible for this man's act, especially if it's true the group doesn't advocate breaking the law, mearly modifying it?). I would have just chosen another less noxious group to make that argument for.
do any of you suffer from what you perceive as ocd?
to any degree?
do you think it is because of the wtbts?
I have a tendancy to wash my hands a lot.
But unlike rocketman I'm not married, so I don't have to worry about loosing my ring.
well, the upcoming nfl season is about to start in two days, with my team the new york jets being involved in the opening game.
now i was a little discouraged when our starting qb chad pennington (the best in the nfl) went down earlier in the preseason with an injury that will keep him out for more than half the season, but fortunately for the jets, they're one of the few nfl teams with a backup qb that can be a quality starter, so i don't expect that we will have much of a drop off with vinny testaverde taking the reigns temporarily.
he'll surpass 40,000 career passing yards this year, and he also has a stronger arm than does pennington, so look for deep plays to the wide receivers.
Ok, so the Jets were a little off their game yesterday.
You guys won the game, I can't argue that, but the season is only two games young, and the Jets had gotten off to bad starts to their seasons for the last two years and made the playoffs anyway. I'm not quite giving up hope yet.
Vinny Testaverde had a damn good game yesterday, but the defense and running game were not there. I'll give the Dolphins credit for stopping our run. Loosing Donnie Abraham really deflated our defense, but they looked really bad anyway after they did a decent job against the Redskins. We need a victory in the worst way next week against the Patriots, and hopefully we'll get it.
Don't expect a victory the next time our teams meet. It will in December, a month when your team flounders and my team flourishes. But obviously that's a very long time from now (last game in fact), and I'm more concerned with the Patriots right now. And I'll be looking foward to seeing Drew Bledsoe school your team during a prime time game this week. It's the best I can do untill the Jets revenge their loss against your team later this year.