Horror Movie Genre Making a Comeback??

by Yizuman 25 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Yizuman

    Think that horror movies is making a huge comeback??

    There hasn't been much of horror movies in the 1990s since the popular horror movie franchise was around in the 30s on up until the 1980s, then it has pretty much dropped out of sight throughout the 1990s.

    Since Jason vs. Freddy, seems that young and old alike wants more, so here's another one out due soon...

    House of the Dead (link), looking nasty as ever and with some special Matrix effects as well.

    What you think? Any horror fans out there?


  • Gamaliel

    I guess the old standby "The Holy Bible" doesn't quite cut it for some people any more.


  • tinkerbell82

    i'm a total horror movie junkie. the campier, the better, imo, i just love those B movies ;)

  • ashitaka


    I started by watching Original Halloween, Friday 13, Nightmare, TCM, all great flicks.

    The Ring (or Ringu) kind of helped horror to become respectable again.

    I'm looking forward to a few new horror flicks in the future.


  • Yizuman

    When I was young, I was a fan of Vicent Price, Christopher Lee, Lon Chaney Jr., Peter Cushing, and Boris Karloff.

    I also did love Elvira!

    She's got a new movie coming out this Halloween, called, "Elvira, Haunted Hills".... click here to go to her official site and click on the movie link, I wanna see that!

    I did like Barbara Leigh of Vampirella, she's not bad looking at all. She played the part of the Vampirella comic book series which isn't in print anymore .

    I also liked the old Dark Shadows soap show, I did sorta liked the new one too, but too bad it was short lived.

    I did like the Forever Knight TV series. I thought it was well done.

    I think that's all I liked. I'm just mostly old style. Like the ol' saying goes, "Ah, the good ol' days!"


  • drwtsn32

    Yiz: You seem to be on the fundamentalist side so I'm surprised you like the horror genre.

  • tinkerbell82

    i like the old school stuff too. actually there isnt much in the recent horror category that i really dig. TCM is awesome, its one of the few that actually scared me half to death. the eighties slasher flicks are cool

    but if you want REALLY good horror, check out dario argento. his stuff is SO awesome.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Go See Cabin Fever which just came out.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I love the classic horror movies. Bride of Frankenstein is my absolute favorite.

    Dracula, Wolfman, The Mummy, Claude Reins as the Invisible Man, King Kong. All these movies have a degree of intelligence to them. They didn't need to show the blood and gore special effects of today's movies.

  • Yizuman
    Dr. Watson stumbles upon Mr. Holmes' pipe on the ground, he then pockets it as he looks up on the forum and noticed what I wrote, so he grabs the feathered pen and writes: "Yiz: You seem to be on the fundamentalist side so I'm surprised you like the horror genre."

    Ah dear Watson, there's a difference between fantasy and reality, something I am quite aware of what's real and what isn't. My dear chap, can't even a good fundamentalist have a good hobby of his own?

    Tsk, my word Watson, you should pick up a hobby of your own, like maybe go do some knick knack hunting out in the open air? And oh speaking of hunting, would you mind handing me my pipe that you found? Ah, thank you my dear Watson, do have a good evening.

    *Goes off playing his violen*

    Holmes (AKA Yiz)

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