Over the history of its existence, the bible has had its critics and detracters. Going into a bookstore, I was able to find a flood of information that is critical of the bible. However, the same was not true of the Koran. My question is: Is there any questionable scholarship, errors, or curious links with local myths surronding the Koran? I know such critism is no doubt banned in fundamentalist Islamic countries (which is where many Muslims live) and such study is of little interest in non- Islamic countries such as this. I know the author of The Satanic Verses, a book that was only mildly critical of Islam, was lambasted by fundamentalist, and he has had his life threatened. However, my guess is there probably are some good polemical works. I'm not trying to "find fault" with Islam, however, I do wonder if dissent is merely repressed and there actually are problems at the very core of the religion (sort of reminds me of a certain religion) or if Islam was a better put together religion when it comes to harmonizing with established facts. Any comments?